article we'll show you how to make amulets to attract money and happiness with his own hands.
Amulets are known to mankind since ancient times. They performed a variety of functions: it protects people from danger and disease, brought into a life of happiness, love and health.
- The amulets cannot be the subject dismissively. Their strength is demonstrated not only old experience, but also modern science
- Psychologists confirm that the availability of certain gizmos-fetish, in our case the amulet was able to program the man to build his own destiny
- The Amulet, which is made by ourselves according to all the rules it brings even greater benefit. Because in production, you invest in him, from his energy, that will "work" just for you
- The cash charms are able to bring financial prosperity and to protect the owner from theft and is not the correct cost
- About the availability of the amulet is better not to tell anyone. It should be your little secret, creating success
An Amulet for attracting money and wealth with their own hands
- Amulet — this is a meaningful subject that aims to something to attract or repel
- In fact, the amulet can become each chisel, which has a special significance and is related with the essence of the query
- For example, as a money amulet that may be the specific banknote or coin
- The main thing is that the medium of the amulet, believed in his abilities. When obtaining a profit it is necessary to thank the amulet for the help
- A more realistic amulets are those that have undergone a special ritual. The problem is that the person is very seriously a magical event, and this strengthens his faith
- The Amulet you can do yourself, after spending ritual. It is also possible to receive his gift, if you are sure, in the sincere intentions of giving
- Any purchase of the amulet should be adopted, namely, to have for you value. It must not only be beautiful, but to him, he would "sleep of the soul"

Ordynsky amulet on the money with his own hands
- This amulet is designed to attract wealth. This can be done, both women and men
- Wear this amulet is to be secretly, in your purse or in your pocket
We will need:
- Coins
- A thin rope
- 3 candles
Coins for the amulet it is better to use the ones that you found on the street. It is believed that they are sent by destiny
- The ritual for the production of this amulet is better to carry out in the environment, the growing phase of the Moon
- Light up the candles, put them on the table in the shape of a triangle and go on a chair at the against
- We take in your hand a coin, and 7 times we read these words: "that we I take one in my hand. Once with me now, the slave God's (name) with me one day prosperity will be unparalleled. Coins my next call, the wealth of attract leads. Live now for me in wealth, yes to abundance"
- It is necessary to submit the money as their own
- Then cross to the cross tie a coin in a rope, pronouncing: "Tie the money to attract"
- Then the end of the rope to ignite the candle, not cropped
- Amulet reserves the between the candles on the table, while they themselves go to bed
- In the morning they had to put in a purse, and no one to tell and skip this talisman

Imperial amulet for wealth
- Imperial amulet has a lot of features. It not only can help you to get wealth. In the spectrum of its "services": success in career, quick return of debts, happiness and social success
- The main attribute of the amulet — it is a coin. The problem is not to choose one that you particularly like: brought from travel, new and shiny
- The Amulet can be worn on the neck, in your pocket or purse. The main thing that it was secretly, and to him, no one touched
The ritual production of:
- Do the ritual on the full moon. The main thing is to have a nice, calm mood, and consciousness clean from unnecessary thoughts
- Light a candle and take a seat behind the desk. Flip a coin, destined for the amulet, a gift desired: how did you find happiness in a career comes from wealth and valuation of
- To further put the amulet on a piece of red cloth and put to the window so that to him fell the moonlight. Ask God and the Universe to give you success and wealth
- Wrap the amulet in a cloth and put on the pillow at night
Amulets for good luck with their own hands
- Talisman for good luck can become every natural object, a stone, for instance
- It is necessary to find her on the shore of a lake or other water tank. Stone no need to search for mainly. It is better, when it fits the view and for some reason you will like it
- You must take this stone and rinse it in tank water, which finds
- To bring home. In the night of the full moon light a candle and stone-draw something about what you're dreaming of
- Then this stone should be wrapped in a cloth of red color and put in a secret place in the house, away from prying eyes
A powerful talisman for good luck with their own hands
We need:
- Dried herbs: cloves, peppermint, rosemary, bay leaf, fennel (in a pinch)
- A piece of red cloth
- Thread
How to make:
- In new moon sew from a piece of fabric, a small red pouch. Fill out the herbs and read over it three times the prayer "our Father"
- Then tie him and the thread master, he said, "Put the grass on God's command, to the happiness and luck! Yes will be so! Amen!"
- To remove the pocket to a safe place. And every full moon he lay on the windowsill under the moonlight (at least 3 times)
- This mascot will bring into your life only positive things, happiness and success
Cash talisman in your wallet with your own hands
What are, basically, objects can be considered to be cash mascots:
- The money tree. It has leaves like coins. It is believed that when transplanting to the bottom of the pot wood it is necessary to bury the coin. Then income will grow, and the hosts of the tree to thrive. Such a money tree, you can with success grow on the window sill at home
- The people's mascot — a piece of birch bark. Protects its owner from the borrowers, the delay of wages, and theft of property
- Happy coins or banknotes. For example, one of the big wins or bonuses. This money will attract brotherly in my wallet
- Some stones, such as agate, jasper and onyx are able to attract money

Talisman of wealth with his own hands
There is one old ritual that, according to the people, works 100%.
- So the bottom line is simple. From the first day of each month, we should save the corresponding amount of money. For example, the 1 number — 1 ruble, 2 number — ruble 2, etc.
- For this buy a nice box and put there money in a certain convenient time of the day (but every day the same)
- In this gift, as is a box full of cash, that you try to wealth and success
- One condition: you must not skip even one day. If it is missed, then the next month will have to start again. Report money for missed days cannot be
- At the end of the month (30 or 31 numbers), change all money to a great bill. Now it's your talisman for money, which will necessarily lead to wealth