Every thing in life is trying to achieve, the dream is for each different, but all need the money, and wanted to be accompanied by happiness, well, at least a little bit! A long time, people have resorted to the help of mysterious rituals, amulets, drawing into their life financial well-being. Today, nothing has changed, people still interested in the mystery and trying to at least fix my situation. Especially popular among "the believer of the population" enjoys strange things, such as amulets for luck and money.
What amulets can draw luck and wealth

Every thing in life is trying to achieve, the dream is for each different, but all need the money, and wanted to be accompanied by happiness, well, at least a little bit! A long time, people have resorted to the help of mysterious rituals, amulets, drawing into their life financial well-being. Today, nothing has changed, people still interested in the mystery and trying to at least fix my situation. Especially popular among "the believer of the population" enjoys strange things, such as amulets for luck and money.
Similar things are of concern not only to the needy, you can see them and the stars of modern rulers, artists, the chamber of deputies. Mankind for all time was interested in the opportunity to get the most money, and by the way, amulets of many help!
Carried away by history of different people, it can be stated that the amulets for wealth is a present for all, just look the products in different ways. They are made of outstanding material: wood, leather, thread, beads, stones, shells and other things that have magical properties.
It is believed that to the amulet wealth really "worked", must be created by the hands of a great magician, a wizard, a man who would have some supernatural abilities. However, if you do a similar thing for themselves, with their hands completely uvěřivše in her power, then the financial well-being will be possible to rectify in a matter of a few months.
What is produced amulets for good luck and wealth
Understand what are the amulets for good luck, you'll need to have an idea of what it is. Under the concept of the amulet, he decided to understand some subject matter, endowed with the power wiring (resistance). Look product can like fit, made can be from anything, what is most important to get a person perceived to play something fetish right then and there, his energy will be programmed to achieve the desired results.
Bills of any denomination
Many make an amulet for getting money from a conventional money bills, coins. For this account put your signature, its composition, and put away in a secret place purse. As soon as they appear profit, any, Designata bill get and thank, removed back. The coin drill by holes in them, and worn on a chain on the neck, insert into the wallet.
Red fabric or threadTo perform the role of an amulet may be an ordinary flap of red fabric. A small piece cut and he carries with him in his wallet. Wool thread red color, wound around the left wrist, worn without removal.
All many people think children's entertainment, and they in turn for the acquisition of the amulet to the witches in creating the thing to speak, exercised over it a certain ritual, to serve money and success. So it is possible to purchase imperial or Ordynsky amulet, although it is possible to do alone.Imperial amulet
If your dream is to give you back all the debts, yes, fast, financial, happiness was always near, money rolling inches, and in the career growth of happiness, you'll need to buy or do a c-amulet for good luck.
Took a beautiful coin in the full moon above her do the ritual. It starts with the lighting of church candles, which is mounted on the table, the owner of the future amulet, you must have the coin in hand, carefully consider, and imagine how it will be richly and beautifully live, how to build a career, begins to always wear. Now you need to "show", "collect" Moon.
Take a small piece of red cloth, on it are placed the coin and show through the window the Moon, that we must drop the beam of the celestial sanctus. Recite the "ask God and the Universe send us success and wealth." The tissue around the coins composition, without touching the hands, and on the night of the net facing each other, under the pillow. Morning product get, removed along with a piece of fabric of the purse, away from prying eyes.
Ordynsky amuletTo draw wealth and financial well-being, enough to carry with you constantly Ordynsky amulet. Possible Ordynsky amulet just, wear must be in your purse, your pocket, secretly from all. On the street it is necessary to pick up a roll of coins of any denomination, her you sent fate. As soon as the Moon begins to rise, in the first middle of this period, it is necessary to ignite the three church candles and the installation is on the table, forming the candles a sort of triangle, sitting next to each other on the chair, read the plot:
- We I take one in my hand. Once with me now, servant of God (name) with me one day prosperity will be unparalleled. Coins my next call, the wealth of attract leads. Live now for me in wealth, yes wealth.
Reading the spell, should be in the hands of a twist found a coin, imagined, how soon can you become rich. Read the words, coins tie a thin rope, forming a cross, recite:
- ADFIGO, money attract.
The end of the rope cannot be cut off, their annealed in the flame of a candle. The coin-amulet, are built exactly on the center of the triangle of candles, so at night this fits to sleep. In the morning, so no one will notice that we clean deeper in the wallet and no one ever talks about her, to keep from prying eyes.
How to make an amulet for happiness with his own hands

To the amulet on money, happiness, fulfillment of desires with your own hands, you may have to this for flowing water (rivers) did you like the pebble. Specifically go and search for something is undesirable. Stone you need to see, randomly, came on the river completely with a different aim. Rinse find in the same river and bring home the.
A full moon under a lit candle to draw on the stone, that we, the dollar, by the way this amulet can fulfill any of your wishes, it means, that if you dreamed about a car – draw it, and luck will smile very soon you will be riding on the car! After, the amulet wrapped in a red cloth, hide somewhere far away. If the stone is quite small, she wears it in her purse, the main subject hid in the closet, no one can find.
How to draw lucky
Happiness is accompanied by, who is always with you, wear a little red cloth bag, in which is stored a leaf of rosemary, the end members, cloves, mint, fennel, as the leaves dry not, put in a pinch of homemade spices. That amulet was working in the right direction, it produced only in a full moon night, by candlelight, he reads over it, "our Father..." three times.
The Amulet should be fed with lunar energy, so every full moon it is necessary to once put on the window sill, in the morning, once again hiding in the secret place, into a new full moon.