To in life, always accompanied by happiness and financial prosperity, it is necessary to resort to a little magic and get a talisman or amulet. Magic items have an incredible power, because in them a person puts on a personal faith, energy and a piece of his soul.
The most important thing to remember about the essence of the component of the working of a talisman or an amulet — it is complete trust in the magic of the subject. And then only luck and fortune will be your indispensable companion.
Various talismans and amulets

There is a large number of different kinds of magical objects. Amulet for money or talisman can be purchased in any store. But to make the amulet with his own hands will be effectually, because it will not be charged with the energy of another person. Very often the question arises: so what case is the best to choose, what subject is suitable as an amulet or talisman? So let's take a look at the magic category:
- The generally accepted magic items can be attributed to the clover, old coins, horseshoes and figurines.
- To talismans or amulets that match the horoscopes are, belongs to precious stones, plants and metal objects.
- To intangible things can be attributed to the prayer writings.
- To the animals talismans refers favorite pet, with which it is in contact persons.
Talismans, which bring money and luck
Buying a mascot, please note on the amulet horseshoe. It not only plays the role of luck, but also protects its owner and his house from the trouble. Curtains of a horseshoe above the entrance door, to see about the right position. It is necessary that the legs of the amuleta were at the top. At that time neither evil or a bad person can be in your apartment.
The japanese sure that the cash mascot in the form of a cat with positive paws to attract his owner's trading partners, which in the following bestow the owner of the amulet money. In addition, the cat guarding the dwelling from misfortune and evil spirits.
The stone carnelian is a talisman for good luck and wealth. It is endowed with the ability to attract money, handing out well-being and good health. And here is a green tourmaline protects its owner from stressful situations, return the expended energy and vitality.
Talismans to attract wealth

Happiness and money, of them dream of almost every person. How to make an amulet for getting money with my own hands? For this use the quattuor clover. It is necessary to place it in the fabric of the purse, adpropians alligavit thread green color. Suspension or any object that has the shape of a clover, can serve as a talisman of wealth and good fortune.
Especially attracted by the money status, engraved fleece on the back side of the flower. To charge the energy money talismans toy, moreover, this ritual is suitable for all small gadgets, such as keychains, coins, figurines.How to properly charge the talisman to attract money?
Take future talisman of wealth in the palm of your hand. Try to hear the ripple of energy in the subject. It may occur not immediately, it all depends on the subject matter, the stone and your sign of the zodiac.
After cash mascot recharge your batteries, it is necessary to place her in a dense mass and a bandage thread, so 10 of weaving. Spend this procedure, it is necessary to verbalize the fate of the future amulet. Enhance the effect of magic items can, if you give him a name. After cash amulet sprinkle with salt, uttering aloud the incantation: "Let's always be near me guardian, protect me, my talisman of wealth".
After the ceremony, a person can not doubt that the cash amulet is alive, and will constantly accompany you good luck and success to all who will take him in hand. This thing is loaded only on your energy, so he got into other hands, the mascot turns into a simple toy.
Magic amulet should be associated with only good and positive emotions. When choosing magic items flip out to the side all the negatives and failures. Then amulets to attract money and luck will be able to in the course of life to work without disturbances.
If you have lost your amulet, then don't get upset. That can only mean one thing: his work is done, and you should take care of the new protection!
The cord of the amulet with his hands
Talismans to attract money and luck, such as cord-amulets, they are made with their own hands on the growing moon or full moon. The implementation of the ceremony to commit toy. Must be purchased in a special department of new thread, various colors and shades. Each color symbolizes a sign. For example:
- the red thread — will draw the power of desire;
- green — the luxury and wealth;
- blue — the fulfillment of all desires;
- the golden thread — success and happiness.
From the data thread is lagging behind the spit. Eventually turn into a bracelet, which is indicated on the left leg and is not out of the question. When cash talisman will fulfill all your desires, it is necessary to burn and pronounce words the recognition of the world. When the amulet is lagging behind with his own hands, read aloud all of your money wishes. They may be reflected in increasing wages, winnings in the lottery ticket, obtaining a well-paid job or inheritance.
Rich ball
Cash mascots in the form of cash tangle will attract good luck and the woman in the household, and is a businessman. Do cash mascot with his own hands is very simple. Despite the simplicity of the action, this magical object has tremendous power. To create it, you need any coin currency banknote, which wind the wool yarn green shade. Then this thing hanging above the door of the cabinet or at home, with the inner party. Just so the glomerulus has magical powers!
The pouch with the magical herbs

Bags with herbs — it is also talismans to attract money into office space. Is carried out this amazing amulet with their own hands. Take a small capacity, on her fold, cinnamon, ginger, needles of pine wood and leaves of eucalyptus. All the herbal plants is diluted in the spirit of introducing the financial well-being.
In the implementation of the ceremony can be read any of the charm that attracts money. Once the florets are chopped and again in the powdered mixture, it is necessary to mix in a purse or bag adpropians alligavit green thread. This talisman should be stored in the office. Over twelve months the bag burn it and make a new one.
The Jack of spades
This course will help you to win any card game. To do this it is necessary to purchase a new deck of cards and get a peak connectors. On the shiny side of the card write a clear ink colors desired amount. Sew your own hands a small handbag, put there card and black pepper and green peas. In the course of the game or bets mascot should be with you. With this amuletom everyone is just lucky.
For a man who has decided to resort to the power of magic talismans and amulets, you need to remember one thing — the only reason for an unconditional belief in magic can create miracles. Amulet for money or a talisman, made with his own hands, will become strong if it regularly to stimulate not only your energy, but also a force of nature. Performing the rituals is to be in the spirit to connect and listen to the OBEREG!