Often the lack of funds stifles the individual, and the depressed state brings into despair. Experts say a way out of this situation — bad luck on the wealth of a magical talisman. It is believed that he opens the cash energy channel. It turns out that each person should be a talisman to attract good luck.
Proof of this fact are reviews of wealthy people, they all have cash amulet. Lack of money compelled me to check how much is true, fortune-tellers and magicians. Buy because of the interest of coins on luck, I began my experiment. Scam or reality? Let's explore together!

Statement of cash amulet
Complicated life situation forced me to look for ways to improve your financial situation. All my efforts to earn suffered a debacle, with something always happened.
And in addition to all this, I got into a debt trap, the salary is enough to cover the loans. Before reaching the desperation, decided to buy locutus of the coin. In that moment, he wanted a miracle, but it was followed by soon.
He had still almost half a year to pull the loan. The whole time I broke up with the amulet.
To repay the loans, I knew in my purse hiding something more than my debts. Faith set me on a positive note, improved mood and again appeared a new work.
The contribution offered me unexpectedly, salaries decent, but it will not live.
The mascot would make me a successful woman! The feeling of his strength, I came to the conclusion that I should tell you about the amulet of coins (Money Amulet).
How does the Cash Amulet
First of all, it has a strong energy potential. To in you were found the money, it is necessary to somehow obtain. Enjoy the power of the coin can both women and men.
To the supplement was more effective, it is recommended to talk. Experts say that the plot enhances the effect of the coin several times. And speak amulet you can not only to happiness, but to happiness.
The period when the amulet starts to work, it may be different, from 2-3 weeks to several months. Let the subject gain required for your enrichment by force.
The money will be coming from all sides, the man quickly climbs the career ladder, he is back long-forgotten debts, or win the lottery.
Advise known, the mascot of, I started to notice amazing things, their deeds, and went into the hills. It turns out that it works!
Looks like an amulet to attract money

Outwardly the amulet looks like a coin. Most often you can meet with a nominal and the Imperial mascot.
The nominal made to order, and for the foundation of the imperial amulet used coins with the image of the royal dynasty. These amulets have a very great strength.
In particular, if they are made of other mages and monks. To create such a mascot with his hands pretty easy, much easier to buy it.
He wears it normally, in my purse, however, can often meet with amulets in the form of a slurry on the neck. If you use coins as a cushioning, wear it better closer to the body under the clothes on the tissue or leather shoelace. If the coin black, it is necessary to clean it, and start talking (wealth) luck.
What features has the coins
- expresses its strong monetary energy of the owner;
- works exclusively on the attachment of income;
- maintains the current capital;
- donating to the happiness and welfare of the family.
Since ancient times, the cash the amulet is passed down from generation to generation.
It was considered irredeemable coins, even in which case it is possible to spend. With the years of metal coins accumulate immense power and strength. Unfortunately, the attitude to this genus of amulets was lost and just lately, experts talked about their strength. It turns out that the old coin it has not lost its importance.
To make this work, it is enough to talk.
The plot on cash amulet

By far not all know, that order can no longer locutus of the coin. Magic, associated with money, is considered the most ancient, so the conspiracy is known only to hereditary mages. Some of them share their knowledge. How effective they are, is not proven. In any case, the magic words damage phylacterium will not bring, and perhaps even stronger.
- The plot to make it better in the night from Wednesday to Thursday.
- In the course of a magical ritual light the candles.
- Send your thought flow to achieve the desired goal.
- Think about the power you want to put a coin.
- Place the amulet on a piece of cloth scarlet color.
- Stick it to the open window. The moonlight must light up amulet.
- Pray to the God of power, the mascot, he becomes your guide.
- locutus coin wrap with a cloth and at night put under the pillow.
In the morning the amulet is need to hide in the wallet. Not worth it to them to show off and give other people on your hands. Whatever brings him money. Yes will be so!
The rules care about an amulet for raising revenue
As well as any other Obereg, the coin is to be taken, follow some of the recommendations. Otherwise the amulet will lose its power.
- keep coins in your wallet or pocket;
- a substance that can be wrapped must be clean, money do not like the dirt;
- do not despair, if the effect occurs not immediately, be patient;
- hide her from prying eyes, the amulet will only work on you;
- pass the coin can be only by inheritance;
- for the present the new coin, which will be aimed at another person;
- don't let the mascot get bored, "communicate" with him, recharge him for his energy.
If he believes in his strength, the effect is achieved, when energy of the coin connect with your. Believe it or not — depends only on you, consider all the for and against. In any case, it is the purchase of irredeemable coins useless does not bind. For myself, I made a choice.
Wealth and a full wallet!