You want to make in your life, I attended more happiness and well-being? You work hard every day, but the desired result and not get? Try to wear when wearing the imperial amulet – the result will not keep itself waiting long.
The origin of the
Imperial amulet is one of the very important places among the varieties of magical items. In his time he was made a monk of the Trinity-Sergiev Laurels for the young emperor of Russia Peter the First. Spent all night church a servant in a careful prayer to a magic talisman specially for Peter. The basis for the amulet to become the imperial coin. The next morning, the sacred object was passed to the king with the words:
"From this day on you'll be invincible, happiness will not leave you, and wealth doesn't end! I wish it's with you Lord!"
Since each of the emperors of the Romanov dynasty wore their nominal imperial amulet.
The secret of making a miracle the subject of the monks managed to save and pass on to our days, even through a period of atheism in soviet times.
The Amulet is made for a particular person and binds to the his name. The power of prayer and the experience of ancestors laid in the mystery of the miraculous talisman.
The basis for the production of this ritual object is imperial coins – that is coins from the time of Peter the First. According to the method of getting the coins must the gene be necessarily clean.
If imperial amulet to do it properly, then it necessarily will be attracted to its owner the positive and the cash flows that earlier this way. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who already have this unique to play something. Supports:
- Getting a new well paid employment;
- Career growth;
- Success in business;
- Luck in financial matters;
- Return of debts.
Rules on the treatment of
For the proper and efficient functioning of the mascot is a need to adhere to certain rules of treatment with him.
The Amulet is purely a personal thing, so it cannot be given to anyone, and even better to hide away from prying eyes. These items can not give – they will not have effective power.A special case represent the only things that are inherited, even if they are non-refundable specific handling during the change of the owner.
Act to a magic friend, it is necessary to carefully and respectfully. Store in places where it is always clean and tidy. Necessarily believe in his miracle power.
Remember that your friend needs constant recharging. Therefore regularly, at least once in two weeks, remove it and get acquainted with him, recharging him with his energy. Also turn to him in particularly important moments of your life, when making important decisions, but also in moments of happiness and joy.
The best choice will be if the amulet you carry with you constantly.

Make an amulet or talisman can be independently, it is only important to adhere to certain rules.
- Choose a suitable day for the creation of the mascot. If main your goal is to attract financial success, then the amulet should be in the middle. And if you want a quick take-off and successful rise up the career ladder – the best for this day – the day of the Sun, hence Sunday.
- Create a calm, peaceful atmosphere in which was born the amulet. Light a candle, turn on a quiet pleasant music. Cleanse your thoughts from all the bad and focus on the good, what you require from this magical subject. Don't be fooled by the external deeds and thoughts, a gift of joyful images of success and prosperity. If the coin you wear around your neck, then it will have to drill the holes. But you can do without it. A coin can tie the red thread, or put on a small pouch.
- In the night of the full moon put a coin on a piece of red cloth on the window sill, under the moonlight. And from the whole soul-ask the Universe (Higher Intelligence, God) only what you most desire.
- Then wrap the amulet in a cloth and put on the night under the pillow. Is it for better connection to your energy with the energy of the amulet.
- Don't charm strangers, not to flaunt his strength. The black power of human envy, is able to destroy his power.
- During the process of production of the talisman or amulet, a part of their life force, goes to him. But you can quickly replenish it. For this, you can eat a piece of black chocolate or a drink of strong tea, take a walk in the fresh air, or indulge someone else a very nice for you lesson.
But better, of course, to entrust this responsible process, the production of the amulet — specialist. We have to is not just about the fact that the amulet is, and give him a miracle of strength, and it can only a person with a pure soul and a sincere faith. Before to this specialist, it is advisable to read the reviews of people who have already availed his services, in order to prevent fraud.
Believe in the magical power of the imperial amulet – and you never know the needs, and all your stuff will only go up to success and prosperity.