ancient times, people believed in the magical power of objects. And often buy either produces a variety of talismans and amulets, which can bring well-being into your life.
The big demand today enjoys all sorts of talismans to attract money and luck, that changes during life and financial situation for the better. In particular, if they are made with their own hands.

About talisman
Under the dolphin (amulet) is adopted to understand a certain piece of jewelry or object. To him are ascribed magical properties, that will bring to life well-being, happiness, luck and serve as a talisman from negative influences from the outside. Owners of similar amulets, prefer to wear on the body.
It attracts more positive energy and kindness from the side of white magic. Talismans can be hidden at home, in seclusion, in remote places, where they will serve as a source of financial well-being.
Exposing the amulets on display at the unwritten rules are not necessary, since they are able to accumulate the negative energy coming from other people.
Amulets, eye-catching money
The money in the world today, will determine many things, but even in ancient times, people have wondered over the question of the financial well-being. And often trying to find a solution by producing a variety of mascots.
In their quality could be a horseshoe, a variety of plants and objects. People decorate their runes, symbols, caused the zodiac signs.
The main colors pushed, green, purple and red, for good luck in the scoring of large sums of money, find treasures and so on. But even the most powerful talisman for money and happiness is not able to magically create a big pile of money, or a bag of gold.
Its main task – to attract success in the various projects and matters. And from the side of man must be a powerful message, because the mascot is charging energy from him.
It can help a special magical ritual, which took place during the hollow moon. It is necessary to take on the selected mascot, put on jewelry made of gold or banknotes of the big advantages of.
Then it is necessary to drip on it a few drops of essential oils (clover), mentally introducing getting large amounts of money, the implementation of cherished desires in the field of finance. This ritual is ideal for commit a successful business transaction.
Select cash mascot
Properly selected mascot will help to draw in life with their own hands, happiness, and financial well-being. Today, enough, just buy a ready-mascot in a store or special shop.
But amulets, created with his own hands, have more strength and help to significantly better. In the question about how to make a mascot, there is nothing complicated.
Recently in popularity gaining the following kinds of amulets:
You will need a red, blue and green thread. One is the need to knit a braid, thinking about financial prosperity, a new job, winning the lottery, and so on. It is necessary to wear a braid on the left ankle, the connection ends like a bracelet. It is not allowed to take it off up to the expectations in the relationship of money and happiness is not fulfilled completely. Then the bracelet must necessarily burn, mentally thanking the Universe for help.
It is necessary to take a little cinnamon, a few pieces of ginger, pine needles, leaves, leaves of eucalyptus and carefully grind in a mortar pestle. During cooking, the herbal mixture should be in the thoughts of featuring the coveted dreams. Then you need to mix up the grass inside the fabric pouch, the cross-linked personally.
A ball.
It is necessary to take the coin or the cash account and carefully roll up in a wool yarn green color, forming a small glomerulus. The end of the thread it is necessary to carefully fix it to the ball is PERSOLVO. Finished the talisman is to be placed above the working door of the office, house or apartment. Thanks to the simple renal went to draw money happiness and success.
Need powder, cinnamon, dry clay and a little bit of honey. From the foregoing it is necessary to knead enough of the dense composition, the role of the small balls and form in the form of small coins. While clay is not dried up, on the one hand, it is necessary to draw a decent amount of money, and on the other – schematically illustrate a self portrait. Dry, the finished product you can on the stove or the battery, and then insert into the wallet.
Do each mascot, it is useful to read the following magic conspiracy: "the Money to pecunia, things to business, it's all in my purse." A strong belief in the fulfillment of preparing will help to fulfill wishes, to attract good luck and financial well-being. Mascots always need to have with yourself, and happiness will forever remain in the vicinity.

Magical figures and symbols
Virtually every subject can be charged with the goal of achieving happiness and money. Just draw on the surface of magical symbols. For example, in the form of amulets with runes.
In the classic version of the runes are displayed on the vault, on the inner side of the handbag, either the bottom of the piggy bank. The most commonly commit are the following runes:
- Fehu – reminds Latin letter "F", a few lifted up;
- Uruz – symbolizes success of the event and the sun;
- Inguz – executed in the form of a diamond with a small mustache and allows you to achieve fertility.
The listed runes are allowed to use in magic rituals, attracts success and wealth.
The great popularity of the money tree and figurines in the form of animals. In ancient times, people religiously believe in the power of the sacred animal, trying to keep her in the house. In the absence of this option is the animal just to replace a similar figure.
Applies the power of magic animals, consider:
- the domestic cat;
- frogs;
- elephants;
- cows.
Regardless of the choice, make figurines need to be made of gold, ivory or wood. And certainly with my own hands. It is also necessary to take into account the following points: a frog can be put into the mouth of the coin, and an elephant's trunk, must necessarily look up.
Irredeemable banknote
Among the most effective magic, which contribute to the enrichment and happiness, is rightly considered to be the irredeemable monetary banknotes. Must necessarily be large. Choose the account it is quite simple: it is necessary to give preference to introduced the money either finds out.
And as a substitute will suit any coins of gold or precious stones, the best of the emerald.
They help to easily make money and the success. The most important thing in this amulet – never give it away on the exchange. Store bills to be in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. The reasons for this the rules are quite simple – an outsider able to pick up cash power.
With a strong cash mascot
Each determines the appropriate amulet to each other, and often prefer the original and very strong mascot, wearing the name of "monetary bottle". On the basis of his action lies the energy of the numbers "five", the defining success of the partnership and the accumulation of.
Therefore, it is made up of the following parts (5 pieces of each):
- coins to 50 cents;
- ruble coin;
- grains of millet;
- sprigs of cinnamon;
- sesame sunflower seeds;
- buds cloves;
- peanuts;
- black pepper in peas.
Referred to need to put the green bottle made of glass and after each day throw in one coin of any denomination. At the end of the fifth week cash mascot will be prepared and will serve as an incredibly powerful means to achieve monetary wealth.
Close the bottle cannot be, because it happened just sealed their happiness firmly. Nourish the demijohn positive energy will allow frequent and close interaction. It is necessary to take the talisman in your hands, to caress, to talk about secrets. And turn to hard times, to start to work with a vengeance.

Mascots for zodiac signs
Protect yourself from negative influences, to attract good luck and money they are able to amulets, are called to bear the protection of the zodiac office.
Whereas, the signs of the zodiac, it is necessary to give preference to the following talismans:
- Aries: red, yellow, orange colors, with the shape of a square;
- Taurus: decoration of metal with the natural stones;
- Gemini: in the form of keys, books, pens or mask;
- Cancer: images and figurines in the form of sea turtles, fish, dolphins;
- Lion: amulets with the blazing Sun on the surface;
- Virgo: natural stones, which have a round hole;
- Weight: amulets with the image of the sign;
- Scorpio: a coin or a figurine of a frog;
- Sagittarius: figure of the scarab and the Phoenix;
- Capricorn: figurines, pendants and coins of different shapes;
- Aquarius: aquamarine, lapis lazuli, amethyst;
- Fish: pieces of fish and coral.
Referred to talismans help to live life to the fullest, attracting positive energy on your side, in accordance with its sign.
Imperial amulet
As another powerful talisman for good luck use a special imperial coins, which is performed with his own hands. This approach allows you to amplify the effect of the amulet, because it "remembers" the creator, subsequently, sent a force only on him.
Make imperial coins is quite simple:
- with the onset of the full moon put a talisman on a small piece of cloth red in color;
- wrap the coin and carefully tie the green thread;
- in a whisper say the magic words: "the Sky the stars dotted with sea water drowning. Let and in your wallet a lot of money, happens, and never luck won't let me! Amen!"
- hide the finished talisman in a private place or recessed pocket wallet.
- In the process of manufacturing the amulet should be a large amount of happiness in life, the solution of the financial problems and the increment of money in your wallet.
Then you need to go to bed with thoughts of the future happy changes in my life.
Magic turquoise
Between the stones that bring good luck and money, often issued by turquoise. As a talisman it is used in accordance with special instructions. Before the advent of the new moon it is to be with their own hands to sew a small wallet in the form of a sleeve. And use only natural fabrics blue color.
The finished wallet should be put turquoise. With the advent of the new moon it is necessary to expose him, start putting in coins and cash vouchers, necessarily growing. The money must fold each day, until the bag is full of money completely. It is necessary to close it with the words:
"The account is carried out not by rubles, but the thousands!".
Furthermore, it is necessary to empty your wallet and recalculate the accumulated "wealth" three times. After tie a blue ribbon and place closer to the point of saving money in the home either take it to the workplace. Regularly, you can take the bag in your hand and repeat the precious words.

Bring good luck
Many people participate in the betting, play gambling games, and make high stakes in the business.
On winnings they often help happiness and happiness brings you the talismans, as which usually operates:
Goose feather pillow.
It is necessary to take 1 pen and gently cut the lower part, where the missing hairs. It is necessary to fill the created by weed seeds of the plantain, and after closing the hole with melted wax from a lit candle. During the entire ritual is important to keep in mind lifetime of good luck and incredible luck. Signature important agreement, buys a ticket or bet on the run, should have finished the talisman next.
Black pepper.
You need to take a new clean white sheet of paper to write the desired cash amount. Then three overly inscription inside and placed in a small bottle made of glass. To further fill in the bubbles fine peas peppers exactly in half and carefully blockage. Before the rate or buys a ticket a ticket is enough to shake the bottle with your left hand, and happiness will definitely follow.
Boy top.
It is necessary to purchase a new card pack, to get maximum the connectors. On the shirt in red ink is necessary to write the required amount of money. Furthermore, it is necessary to put the map on a small cloth bag, sewn with my own hands. There as well to give a few peas black pepper. This talisman works and helps implement the proper steps related to the game or business.
Catch the "tail" of happiness eager to many people, that is far from over. But a properly made talisman can help you get rid of bad luck and start a new, bright streak in my life.
Various talismans for good luck and money they are able to radically change the life of every person. With their help it is possible to achieve success in a job, obtain material goods, to find love, and many more. But the most important thing to remember is that the mascot is not able to do miracles, and therefore, it is necessary and myself to try.
It is necessary to show zeal in the work, finding sources of earning money on the internet, get acquainted with new people and so on. Need to become the magnet that attracts money and luck.