People in all times believed in the могущественную support of external forces, which can be obtained using a variety of amulets.
Armed with the positive energy of the amulets are able to attract into the life of a man of fortune and wealth, which long dreamed of. Magical talismans can be not only purchased in stores, but also what to do with his hands.
The function of magic, made with his own hands

The Amulet is a magical object, which is equipped with a certain force. For that amulet really reached their objectives, its owner, it is important to believe in a similar spell. In the opposite case, the amulet will be just superfluous decoration and no more.
Each charm carries in itself the concrete purpose — to bring to life the human happiness, health, money, love and so on, and so the Biggest strength of having products created with your own hands and not bought in a store. This is due to the fact that in the process of creating the amulet is man fully entrusts him your positive energy, focused on their own well-being. Also, the domestic creation of a mascot for your near and dear people. It is important to дарящий amulet the man was doing this entirely with good intentions.
Manufacture in the domestic conditions of the mascot is simple enough. The main thing — to pick up all the necessary materials at hand and patience. Do the amulet is can be made of wood, stone, textiles, and other materials. Important when creating a talisman, believed in his abilities, only in this case will act most successfully in the favor of his lord.
There are many different options mascots created for happiness. The greatest popularity of amulets, attracts good luck and wealth.
It is these everyday the good of the most in demand of modern people.
In creating magic with their own hands, it is important to take into account a number of conditions, compliance with which will allow to maximize the efficiency of the product:
- The mascot will act in a positive manner only in the presence of his owner's trust in the magical properties of the product.
- Best to create an amulet to midnight. Created in the moonlight talismans are endowed with particularly strong magical energy, which penetrates into them from the moonlight.
- It is important that the mascot of these materials, to which the most lies the soul of its owner. The Amulet should evoke positive emotions about their appearance.
- When creating amulets, it is appropriate to consider their sign of the zodiac. Each sign corresponds to a certain color, which is most favorable for representatives of this sign.
- There is no need to tell other people about your amulet and show it. Also, it is strictly forbidden to give it hold for foreigners. All of these actions lead to a distribution of other people your energy on the talisman and the destruction of its magical properties.
Amulets to attract good luck
There are the following possibilities amulets for good luck, which can be easily made with your own hands.
Stone of the spring

It is necessary to find a valid source and directly at the spring to pick up a small stone. On the surface of the stone need to draw a picture, олицетворяющее existing desire. This may be the purchase of an apartment, a car, a trip to the sea, etc.
After the stone gagging firmly in a fist and dispense with him spring counter-clockwise three times. The entire journey is important to focus on their wishes and at the request of that luck favored in achieving the set goal. After the third circle of stone, acting in the role of an amulet, it is necessary to throw back on the spring and go home.
Косичка of fiber
This amulet is best to do in days of the full moon, either on the growing moon. For its creation need yarn of three colors: red, blue and green.
The red color in this case will issue the power of desire, blue — a guarantee of its fulfillment, and the green — the prospects for obtaining wealth. Of the three strands is the need to knit a little косичку and join its ends so that in the end it turned out the bracelet. Bracelet should dress for the щиколотку feet.
When knitting it is important to think about your desire and focus on the request to the higher powers to attract good luck for the fulfillment of this desire. It is recommended to represent in the mind an image, corresponding to the fulfillment of desires (for example, imagine the moment of the arrival to a new home in the presence of the dreams of a new home).
If you imagine the picture does not work, the domestic only verbalize a wish out loud in the process of weaving braids. When the product is ready, his bind around the ankle of the left foot. Important to wear the amulet constantly, without lifting. Take off the mascot is only possible after the wishes come true. The Amulet is necessary for the use of the burn, to send mentally gratitude to a higher power for help in doing so.
Mascot out of cardboard
It is necessary to take a sheet of cardboard and a pen with a bright saturated color. Cardboard it is recommended to choose a golden color, because this color symbolizes good luck. At midnight you have to sit down and draw a pencil on the картоне special sign — пентакль. This picture of special characters, inside which is located the wheel of fortune. This picture aimed at achieving the cherished desires and attract good luck.
It is believed that the пентакль operate the magnet, the eye-into a person's life happiness. Examples of images пентакля you can see on the internet. At the time of the картоне image it is necessary to mentally pronounce the following text: "the Amulet of yes will help me achieve all what I want". After the completion of the image, its enclose in a circle the symmetrical shapes. The resulting circle of neatly cut. To increase the magical power of the crafted amulet can be обмакнуть the resulting cardboard circle wax candles. The candle should be зажжена directly before the creation of the amulet.
After the completion of all actions is the need to hold the amulet in your hand and mentally ask for help from higher forces, which are responsible for attract luck. It helps you to charge the talisman of the necessary positive energy, which subsequently will work in favor of the host's amulet.
Amulets to attract money
These ideas can be used in creating amulets to attract wealth.
Cash pouch

For a start it is necessary to prepare a small pouch for money. To be able to from a thick piece of cloth of white color. The finished bag is to be drizzle with holy water three times and прошептать the text of the "our Father". Further, it is necessary to cook a few coins. Can be any value. What is important is that the coin could be as much as possible, and fill them to the pouch turned out pretty увесистым. Each coin is worth перекрестить, drizzle with holy water.
After this the coins are arranged on a flat surface (it must not be a table) and alternately approaching the person. Every time, when he said the following text: "a Penny to a penny, ruble, ruble, all to court". After the pronouncing of the text on each coin, all the coins to pass into the bag. The bag is tied and placed into a closed from prying eyes the place. No one must know of the existence of the amulet, and the place of his finding.
Cash cap
For the production of this amulet need some pen (rollerball, гелиевая, перьевая), banknotes of any value. Money fold in the narrow small tube, so that on average match the perimeter of the handle. Скручивать банкноту to be an eagle inside. The resulting small tube is to be fixed with duct tape. In this form the notes will act as a cover for the handle. Every time after using the pencil for its intended purpose, it is necessary to dress her similar to the "cash" of the cap.
Luck in financial matters will come to the owner of such a mascot immediately. It is important to take into account that the length of the entire amulet (pen with надетым on her cover) must comply with the fourth императорскому size.
This amulet is the most popular and long tried and tested in practice. All that is necessary for its creation — it's a big cash dollar bills. The higher is the nominal value of the banknote, the greater revenue it will attract. Therefore, the selection of bills low esteem as a bargaining chip, it is important to note that the level of happiness in financial matters will be quite low.
Ready bill should be occasional postage stamp, and a valid tender, which was founded by his master for a particularly successful range of circumstances. For example, money can be donated by a person, acquired winnings in the lottery or acquired as a first profit in a new business and so on Such a positive aspect of getting this bills to significantly strengthen her magical abilities. The note should be placed in the spin-off purse, in which she will directly contact with other goods in circulation of money.
This note will always be saved in this department, and not to leave him, attracted to the owner of the wallet financial happiness and well-being. It is important to realize that the place банкноту in my purse is a must when growing on the Moon.
Elena: it is Used as an amulet for luck косичку of the yarn of three colors. At that time in front of me stood the task of protection of the diploma, and I am attracting good luck for a successful protection. I think my amulet help me to trust in your strength.
Vladimir: for many years I carry my wallet on me a thousand, which is located in a separate pocket and never with me is not used. It seems that it really works, because with finances with me, everything is fine.