Talismans to attract money is actively used by people to enhance well-being. This is an effective way to get the money. Consolidate the actions of the magic is possible by means of special agreements on the wallet.
How to make cash mascot with his hands?

If you want to make money flowed to his family across the river, make a simple talisman that Will exactly help you. For the creation of the magical amulet take:
- coins;
- wire (thin and thick);
- crimping pliers.
For the preparation of this talisman is used a special technology. Apply it may prepare a talisman to attract wealth to the household.
In the first place it is necessary to take thick wire and make it circle. It should fully conform to the dimensions of the selected coins (it should be inserted on the prepared frame). The ends of the wire to connect the top and twist between each other. Leave the piece to a length of 5 cm and the rest of the wire you can cut off.
Further prepare your next piece of jewelry, an amulet. Take a thin wire, cut it into small pieces and take their rings. The next step take the finished frame and fine wire. The need for such a wire, like a serpent, entwine is the finished frame. Through one eyelet mounted on a thin wire on the ring. It should be a very tight bend in. With the help of a thin wire cmontáž among themselves all the little references.
Then take again with a big wire and cut it to one more ring. By the size it must be slightly smaller than the previous one. Now the edge of the wire to bend in. This ring is necessary to attach to the first. This is done using the fine delay.
The link to the second element for small rings. So you get a double frame. He will perform the role of the frontal part of the rim of the coin — is inserted in a small ring inside the large. With the wrong part of the coin is the need to consolidate the wire. Choose any aesthetic way. The remaining tails of the wire bend so as to obtained the amulet, it was possible to attach to the chain.
Why such complexity? The more work you can close in the mascot, the more of his energy for him to absorb. Respectively, your magical item will turn out much stronger all purchased.
When the cash mascot is ready, you need to talk. The spell reads:
My pixie weaves me an amulet for money and wealth. And I'll tell him the answer, what I want is happiness. And every day and every hour they start to slide down the money in my pocket.
Powerful talismans for attracting money

The money flowing in the hands of the river, it is necessary to speak in their special way. That way You will be able to attract wealth into your home.
Magic bill
For the ceremony decide for the kind of bill you're talking about. It is desirable that it was a big priority, but You should not be his shame. From what bill dignity You choose will depend on wealth.
The less will be the dignity of the selected bills, the less money You will attract home. The money collected can not be even in the com case to spend. After the ceremony is to have to hide in a separate pocket in your wallet and not get them out of there.
Please note that the money should be achieved in a special way. For example, You will get on a holiday a certain amount, choose the we. Or You create a new project, which is comfortably settled in a new job and got the first paycheck, take your pick of the entire amount of one bill and talk to her.
On 12-15 lunar day take the prepared bill, come with her to the window and whisper:
How to grow a young moon, so the money will be happen in my house more.
Repeat the text five times. While it is sure to bring a dollar bill to the light of the moon fell on her and on You. By this ceremony You will be able to draw to themselves money and increase their own well-being. Remember that the important thing is not to spend money, but doesn't show anyone, not even to an outsider, it seems to this, even to close relatives.
The pouch with the money
For starters, you should build a house for the money. For this equip the white rough matter and make from it a small pouch. When the bag is ready, it should be three times drizzle with holy water reading the "our Father".
Then remove them from his wallet a few coins. To meet a heavy handful. It is not important, coins are no trumps, that you will use. Before the start of the ceremony cross every coin and sprinkle it with holy water. Then, what lay ahead of me (not on the desktop) and brings each coin turns on the face, said:
Penny to pulchellus denarium, a Piggy bank to Piggy bank, Fifty dollars to quinquaginta, ruble, ruble Chervonets to chervontsu, all to the court.
After the words spoken, give all the attributes of a ready bag and put him away. Unlucky attribute for attracting wealth anyone can see.
To the ceremony acted stronger, in addition, in the horseshoe in the role of amulet. Need to force her at the front door so that it was flipped upside down.
A coin purse with his hands

Sewing from the time paganism was closely associated with magic. Here is the rule — the more the work will be embedded in the magical thing, the stronger it will be. So made with his own hands-a wallet for coins and banknotes can be an effective mascot, the eye-money.
How to make it? Choose any material, which causes that you have sympathy. In addition, consider a and your ability. If you are not be able to work with the skin, or beads, for example, stop the choice on the material from which you can't make a beautiful thing.
To deal with this embroidery should be only on the growing moon. If you fail to make a purse for this season, will have to do a break before the next. After fabrication it is necessary to talk, and performed it also on the growing moon in a clear night and the moon must be visible. Put in his wallet a handful of any of the coins. Of the window show the contents of the moon and say:
Month-boyfriend, legs, silvered, horn plated! Give gold-silver me to the good Things of the Endowment earnings and wealth! Let the purse my soon filled, And always the benefits, it poured! Amen.
Outdoor wallet to leave on the windowsill overnight. At the dawn of a to close it and hide under your pillow for three days. Only after the design obtained by a simple ceremony purse can be used according to the instructions.
The Amulet on the money "Full bowl" with his own hands
To make this simple and powerful talisman, You will need to take:
- a large metal bowl;
- a small coin (it is necessary to take from the wallets of all who live in the apartment);
- wax church candle;
- a little holy water.
Place across from each other a candle, burn it and whisper the text of the "our Father". 'with the cross, sprinkle with the capacity of holy water and at the front, put in her coins. Use also conspiracy on the coins to get money.
With each of them in hand, I think about it, it's not small coins, but even big bills. And fall into the larger bowl, which symbolizes your family budget.
When the bowl is filled completely, you should whisper over her:
As this cup is full, and my house will be full of abundance and joy.
How to attract wealth?

To in the family all the time was enough, you should get a special talisman. For its creation should arm yourself with the magnetic powder. It is possible to purchase or make yourself.
For this it is necessary to help the make a powder of magnetized pieces of metal. If possible, it is advisable to paint the powder in a golden color. It will enhance the magical properties of a mascot.
The obtained powder folded in a small pouch (it is also possible to paint in gold color). Hide before the eyes of the resulting pouch in the hallway so that it is not rushed in the eye, and be confident that the money will soon come to Your house.
Ritual with water
Held only 12-15 lunar day. You should take a shower and wash off all the negative energy, which met for the entire day. Then write a full bathroom and dip into her coin. It is important that it was silver. After yourself dive into the water and whisper:
Silver water, bring abundance, wealth, and happiness. Amen.
Take the bathroom should not be more than 10 minutes. Now the water is to be drained, and gather to hide in a safe place. This is not the only ritual with water, which is carried out for obtaining the money. The great popularity they have Simon the rituals that are performed to increase wealth and happiness in the house.
Simple money talismans
There are a few simple ways to attract happiness in the family. For this is not necessarily to perform complex rituals to attract money. You just need to arm yourself with all the attributes.
Blue case
In every house there must be such a pouch. Will be able to attract wealth into any family, and You will soon notice how money comes to You in hands. In a blue leather pouch fold as attributes:
- tourmaline;
- anise;
- cardamom;
- wormwood;
- saffron;
- cinnamon;
- poultry feathers;
- magnet in the form of a horseshoe;
- a little bit of pine nuts.
This pouch give your bedroom and do not allow anyone to take it in hand.
The magic frog
Monetary toad – it is the most popular amulet feng-shui are used to attract wealth. If You decide to stop your choice on this talisman, choose a sculpture made solely out of onyx or jade. Exactly as talismans to attract wealth into your home.
Monetary toad should stand with his back to the door, as if I just jumped into your house, and brought wealth. But it is possible to make it in the south-west sector of the house, who is responsible for wealth. In addition, one more suitable for this mascot location — living room. If you have an aquarium, let him toad. These two positive characters will amplify each other.
Toad fear of heights. Therefore, place it on a low magazine table or shelf. Under the statue it is recommended to put a pinch of any money of the plant — for example, mint or basil.

Still one of the most popular mascots feng shui. Hotei is known throughout the world as the god of wealth, abundance, joy and happiness. The figurine is made may be of different materials:
- wood;
- clay;
- stone.
The magical properties of the merry God does not affect it, what material it is made. It is important that this mascot stand in your hallway, met the cash flows, and not let them out of the house. It must be turned face to the east of the house. The post paint Hotea also in the south-eastern part of the apartment — it is a zone of wealth. In addition, it can stand on the table.
Every day spend a special procedure — Pat God on the tummy, coaxing his and attracting good luck in the financial plan. To dream turned, it is necessary to caress the belly of God 300 times, thinking of her. Feng shui experts advise to do it and before leaving the house to attract luck.
Magical fruit for the enrichment of
Gold and orange – the colors of wealth. So try not to be in the interior of your home are more often met. If there is no way to do it, use the magical fruit:
- orange;
- grapefruit;
- apricots;
- papaya;
- quince;
- tangerines.
Let a few of these fruits are always lying on the visible locations in different rooms. This will help you to capture the flow of money and direct her to his apartment. One condition — the fruit must be fresh. It is possible to eat them, and then buy new. If you don't like fruit, it is possible to use the dummy.
Coins in plants
Select a few coins from their wallets (their number must correspond to the number of plants in the interior). It is desirable to have large advantages. Every coin sprinkle with holy water and bury one in each pot.
Amulet for money help attract wealth into your home, and will be positive energy flows to You. Use simple and effective talismans, tune in to positive emotions and keep the joy of life.