Amulet lucky coin is made separately, or it can be buy. These items are a source of positive energy, and help to get away from the negative and dark energy.

What is an amulet of luck
With failure to meet each person, but if the problem is leaning from all sides, debts, difficulties in his personal life has not been terminated, and no effort do not help, then it is worth thinking about. This is because of serious problems with the energy field, and the negative gradually destroys your life. From such a situation can help you get a talisman for good luck. This attracted to a man money, happiness returns to the man, and all beginnings are successful.
For every person's home is a very important place, here everyone wants to get comfort and support. The house is the fireplace, and at this point everyone who wants to stay warm and feel comfortable and relaxed. Magic talisman attracts to the house of strength, power, wealth, happiness and love. In such a place all members of the family will feel "at ease", because in the house appear happy and understanding.
The owner of the amulet can rely on luck in his career. Because a talisman to attract luck and money, and without them build a successful career is not possible. Such a thing just a need for everyone.
How to make an amulet for lucky and money
Amulet in the form of coins – it is a universal talisman, attracting good luck and wealth. Create these talismans fairly easy, the more their own hands. The power of the amulet depends on what kind of energy he put into it the creator. It is also important for both the producer well and with a strong energy level. The strongest of the creators of the amulets are monks.
The Amulet is created and bound to the name of a certain person. It is produced from the coin. It is believed that the metal has such features:
- transmits energy to his master;
- "casts a spell" the owner on the attachment of income;
- saves money;
- donates happiness and success in everything.
Amulets have always been a great value, often passed down from generation to generation. And that energy, which is accumulated for years, had tremendous power and strength. All of these forces, the amulet giving its owner the. To date, the amulets completely lost its meaning. Just for the amulet is not suitable coin, which has the symbolism and the coat of arms of some countries, and suitable for it will be imperial coins, or any other old coins. They have great energy.
Imperial amulet
Separately, it should be noted imperial amulet. His made a monk of the Trinity-Sergievsky Laurels specially for the young emperor Peter the First. The basis for the mascot to become the imperial coin. The emperor of the Romanov dynasty wear your personal imperial amulets. These amulets have a very great strength.

Its features:
- the coin - amulet collects the positive energy and cash flow, which previously passed through the man;
- the owner of the amulet and the members of his family always brings happiness;
- attracts good luck in personal and professional relationships;
- to rotate large cash flows;
- you will never be without money;
- you repay debts, even those people from whom you least expect it;
- in humans, it will always be well-being, regardless of the material position.
How to make the amulet with his own hands
Make an amulet or talisman it is possible to personally, To do this you need to observe a few rules.
- For magical artifacts will suit the old coins. It is appropriate with a special history.
- Choose the right day for the production of amuleta. Cash amulet you need to do in the middle. Amulet for rapid career growth you need to do on a Sunday – the day of the Sun.
- During production create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Turn on pleasant music, light candles. Think about the magical power, you want to subsidize the subject.
- In the night of the full moon put the amulet on a piece of red cloth on the window sill. To him must go in the moonlight. And from the whole soul ask for Higher Intelligence (God) only what you most desire.
- Then wrap the mascot on a cloth and put on the night under the pillow. Is it for better connection to your energy with the energy of the amulet.
- Not to brag and don't charm strangers. Let it be your personal secret of happiness.
IMPORTANT! Using the coin – the amulet are included luck and money. The strength of the coin – amulet can protect its owner and to attract positive energy. That's how it was in the power of the talisman is to be believed. Without faith, it won't work.
How to behave with the amulet:
- keep clean and tidy;
- isn't part with the amulet and hide him from prying eyes;
- don't give into the hands of other people;
- is not the granting of the gift, its possible to pass the inheritance;
- treat gently and with respect;
- do not forget to regularly "communicate" with the mascot and recharge it with your energy.
If you remember these simple tips, then the amulet will have a beneficial impact on your life, it will bring you good luck, you will be successful in business, you are going to attract all the new sources of revenue. And to convince yourself you'll be able to very quickly.
Believe in the magical power of the talisman. Whatever helps you achieve the desired earnings on the internet. Amulet for luck must get rid of the difficulties, with him all your actions will be successful, and you will be driven by well-being.