Attract money and luck you can on your own. How to do it? It is necessary to speak the items on the attraction energy luck and finance. In the article we look at the question of how to make talisman for money from ordinary objects. Just need to remember that magic works on strength of belief in the possibility of a change of circumstances. Without faith nothing works, any doubt will destroy the result from the effort.

The pouch with amber and Lavrov sheet
Amulet for getting the money you can make from a pouch of cloth of tissue, charged with the golden water and the sun. For the ritual to prepare the following items:
- a new box of salt;
- pre-stitched canvas bag;
- piece of raw amber.
On the growing moon to buy a new box of salt, not by the placing or under the calculation. A bank card is you can pay. The pouch should be to sew from natural fabrics without admixture of synthetics. To establish, it is necessary to cut off a small piece of lace along the. The color of the case is not basic, but it is better to red or yellow in color.
The finished bag is to be put into spring water, in which daily lay the golden object. Over 6 hours of bag to get from the golden water and dried in the sun. It can do even in the winter, but I'm sure in a sunny day.
Then the sac is composed of the items: salt and a piece of amber. If the orange is not, it is possible to give some kind of gold object, at least a article of the chain. Pouch attach edging and read to him the plot 6 times:
Bag keep in a hidden place.
The second option case the amulet for getting the money. On the growing moon it is necessary to sew a bag out of green natural fabric and put in it the following items:
- peas of black pepper;
- bay leaf;
- feathers from poultry;
- coins.
Coins you need to borrow driving: after one. At the moment it is the ruble, two rubles, 5 and 10 rubles. When you do a mascot, a gift to you from all sides the money flowing. Pepper symbolizes wealth, bay leaf attracts success and pen to bird: good luck. Hang the amulet for getting the money to the place where they deal with financial matters.
Silver amulet
Amulets to attract money and good luck with your own hands can be made from gold and silver jewelry. If you are doing an amulet of gold, it is necessary to do on a bright sunny day. Amulet of the silver talk in the moonlit night. For the creation of the amulet will suit every thing from silver, which you constantly wear.

Select the clear moonlit night in the first half of the lunar month, it is possible to carry out the ceremony and in the full moon. Open the window to the moonlight came into the room. Time of the ceremony: from two to three hours at night.
It's an old plot, in which you cannot change the words in places and pronounce it otherwise than it is written. You cannot talk to Jesus Christ instead of Jesus Christ.
After the pronouncing of the plot, it is necessary to throw the decorations up, let it fall to the floor. Go to bed, a window let the open: the moon's light should fall on the floor and illuminate the decoration. Before going to bed 'with the cross and learn the our Father, talk with anyone you cannot. Not want anyone to see the venue of the ceremony and heard the plot.
Get up in the morning and lift your decoration from the floor. Insert it, and do not remove. If you've done a certain amount of money, don't remove the decorations until he gets it. When getting the money you need to go to church and put a candle to the Virgin and the Savior.
On a gold ring
A gold ring can be just a decoration and mascot for attracting wealth. To talk the ring, it is necessary to perform the following ritual. On Sunday, on the growing moon put the ring in a new jar with spring water (you can buy in the store still water from the spring).
Then take the spoon prevents the water in the glass in a clockwise direction.
Then part of the water you drink, and the second is poured over the threshold of the house or at the door of the apartment. The ring, worn on the index finger and wear it constantly.
How to make an amulet to money in the household? Amulets with his own hands work well even for beginners in magic, if you invest in them the strength of their faith. To create such an artifact, it is necessary to purchase a moon stone in the souvenir shop and speak it in new moon.
Talisman for good luck in business matters

This talisman will controls financial affairs, you can have it in the office or other commercial place. For the production of the artifact you need some items that you need to buy every day of the growing moon:
- cardboard green color;
- gel pen or marker green color;
- candle of green color;
- the herb basil;
- strips of green paint.
Also for the production of the mascot need scissors and glue. Alone in the room, access things. Light a green candle by it on a candlestick. You need to draw it on a cardboard five-pointed star (practice in advance) and cut it into a curve. Use an offer you can't, you need to draw from your hand: let it be, not exactly.
Rub the leaves of the basilica in powder, grease glue the center of the stars and pour the glue on the grass. Now carefully lubricate glue the rays of the star and bend their center. If the resulting shape of the green thread and seal the knot with wax from the candles. The mascot is ready. Keep it in the vicinity of the commercial papers or money.
Birch bark
The bark of birch trees, either in the spring, has great power to attract wealth. Before how to tear off a piece of bark, ask for birch forgiveness and put under the roots of a piece of bread, or coins.
Make your crust should be broken by hand (for righties, left). Bring the mascot home and put them where they have the money, or to conduct financial affairs. Remember that natural talismans help to earn money, and so from the sky will fall will not: have to work hard.