For centuries, people turn to the aid of the magic: some want to strengthen your health or bring back a loved one, the second to find out or change his fate, and others – to attract to itself the happiness. In the second case we can talk subject matter for happiness, and then, will have magical properties that will make a person happy.

If you constantly chasing a number of failures – is it a serious reason to think about how to change everything. There are two options: turn to the oracle that has magical powers, or become familiar with the basic rituals that you can perform yourself, and their performance will be noticeable almost immediately.
Rules for the implementation of rituals
It is important to note that the final result depends not only on the spoken word or the selected subject for the plot, but also on the observance of certain rules by the person who will perform the ritual.
What you need to know anyone who wants to talk thing about love, luck and happiness:
- Even the white magic becomes dangerous, because before that, than to resort to his help, you will need to think about its consequences. Instead of white in life on the contrary may appear black stripes, and instead of the love – quarrel or the lack of a decent person next door. However, it is still the most commonly occurs when, during a ritual committed the error, or the man simply does not believe in the power of magic and uses it for the sake of interest;
- If it doesn't work learn the words of the prayer, you can write them on a piece of paper, but after reading immediately burn with the flames of the church candles;
- During the ceremony in the interior must be conductive to his person. Noise, jokes, laughter and the presence of foreign are not allowed;
- It is not recommended to perform rituals during pregnancy: it is fraught with problems with the child or maternity benefits, and subsequently, a failure may invite to your baby;
- If for some reason you are unable to read the plot (e.g. of fear), it is possible to turn for help to the other person, but then it is necessary to thank to the plot acted in the desired direction;
- 3 days before the procedure is recommended to give up alcohol and junk food. In the diet should be only useful products: have a positive energy;
- A few days before the ceremony, it is necessary to try to avoid disputes and scandals: they are a negative impact on the energy field;
- Of its intention to perform the ritual cannot be to tell someone, as well as after the event. Everything must remain secret, otherwise the conspiracy is not to be.
With regard to the above-mentioned details in the implementation of the ceremony, it is possible to make it completely safe and effective, and then it really will attract good luck and happiness.
How to talk to the thing for happiness?

Always accompany luck in all things, it is necessary to find a favorite thing, and read it 12 times this prayer to attract prosperity, which necessarily impact on all spheres of life.
"Like a squirrel wearing a coat-is not destroyed, So should you (call) Me happiness, happiness did not bring. Yes will be so!"
There is another option of the ceremony for which will need a simple safety pin:
- Wait until, when the Moon reaches the phase of new moon;
- At midnight is that we take the pin and we read on her:
"The moon again is born, her power wakes up and walks over to me headed. The happiness from this pins don't fall, just as the Moon is in the sky forever not say goodbye. On the heels of the happiness come to me, I the great good to do! Amen!"
- It is appropriate to do this ritual every time the moon is full, and then happiness will surely never leave.
There is also a third way that will draw luck to your side:
- We take a drawstring, making him the cop;
- It is necessary to speak a string master, he said, intended for these purposes of prayer:
"Hurry up lucky come on me to look. Let the happiness in the life of the rush, forever come back to me."
The easiest option to attract happiness — just tie the cord to the left leg of the master, said: "Drawstring tie, lucky for wearing a tie". Despite the lightness, is no less a magical force than is mentioned above conspiracy.
All the subjects with the plot it is advisable to carry with you: they will fill the role of magic and to protect the owner from illnesses and problems.
The plot on the keychain
For this ritual need a agate, which subsequently need to hang on a key ring or phone. What you need to do:
- Wash the stone under running water;
- When it comes midnight, light candles, agate, holding in the hand and repeat: "Help me, agate, help, defend, and happiness you bring";
- In addition to the pendant, the stone you can use as a pendant, the main thing – to carry with you constantly and continuously hold in your hands while thinking about your success.
Ritual for good luck
This ritual is universal: it supports success in career, love and other important for every human aspects. How is done:
- From midnight to 3 am from Saturday to Sunday in the center of the mirror, holding in the hands of the church a candle;
- We read a prayer from the antichrist:
"Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction of the ugly and the contraption the antichrist comes, and hide me from the network in its innermost desert of Thy salvation. Give me, Lord, for the strength and courage of a solid confession of Thy name, the holy one, yes, no retreat fear for the devil, yes, not to deny it from You, the Savior and Redeemer of my, from Your Holy Church. But give me, Lord, day and night crying and tears for their sins, and spare me, Sir, in the hour of the last judgment. Amen."
Stew a candle to the fact that the fabric made of cotton. Put everything under your pillow at night.
Rituals on the safety pin

Since ancient times, the switching pin and is considered the best talisman against the evil eye, and therefore is used in many ceremonies. Talk of her success can be as follows:
- Take a bowl, put the 3 century a teaspoon of salt, rice and sugar, open the safety pin and stick it on the scoop from them;
- Had attributes on all night so no-one to see;
- From the morning to the pin, and the contents of the plates to throw on the ground and bury it.
If protection is needed before the problems, the evil eye and spoilage, fit and such a ceremony:
- Open the safety pin and saying: "theEnemies turn, all evil is a step, which, I defend, the damage and whammy turn. Amen";
- Connect the amulet to clothing, and wear without removing.
There is a third way to attract a lot of luck with using needles:
- During the Month in the growth stage on Friday to buy a pin and a candle white in color, and on Tuesday perform the ritual;
- Light up a candle and prikalivaet her flame pin, whispers of a conspiracy on the involvement of an Angel-the protector:
"Oh, god, Angel you came! Goalkeeper, defend me. From the evil wiles of hide, the pure flame of the wash. Yes it will be. Amen!"
Wetted blade pins, hot wax, when all become hard – wired it on the clothes.
Conspiracy for good luck and wealth
A bad financial situation, you can easily fix by using a coin denomination of 5 cents, if he starts to talk in the following way:
- Put in the left palm of your hand and read is specially designed for her plot:
"Money, money, wallets to handbags. Like the sun, the light becomes golden, and penny my shine, money, and bring joy to put. As said, so done. Be my words are strong and the actions are reliable. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit. Amen."
- We carry with us the coin in the course of the year, then again repeat the ritual.
Money if possible anyone give in your hand and put them after the ritual in the wallet to separate the pockets.
Gold ring to attract good luck
Such a ceremony is considered one of the most effective, because gold has long been used as endowed with the magical energies of the attribute. How to make made from it a ring brings good luck:
- We take the wool yarn, they put it on the table and gave her the ring;
- Hold the candle in your right hand and read: "Tit for blue-the blue of the sea lived, their nest there villa. The ring found him and immediately brought. I'm gonna dress up, people kind helpful. All my innermost secrets will open all the doors opened, everything according to my will. Amen!";
- We try to wear the ring of a conspiracy the whole time, holding him in a hidden place.
Only faith in the power of magic and our own happiness will contribute to the rapid acquisition of the results of the rituals: in this case, the change in life will become clear, but it may need some time.