Since ancient times, mankind has created all sorts of artifacts, designed to be worn on yourself and help fight off the trouble, or to attract good luck. Today we call these things a talisman or amulet. But how do they differ from each other, and what is the amulet? How come? Can be worn simultaneously with a cross and an amulet or a few magical things? All of these questions and some more we answer in this article.
What kinds of amulets and talismans come and how to wear them?

Let's start with the most basic - with the definitions. Often the words of the talisman, the amulet and the amulet are considered synonymous, but this is the wrong approach. Shades of meaning are here quite significant.
So, a talisman - a magical object, whose function lies in the involvement of the carriers of the desired forces, the situation. So, the mascot can be used to attract good luck, love, improve the financial wealth, attractiveness and so on. Speaking the language of computer games: +10 charisma, +100 to health. So we can say that Pushkin in their ranks Either me, my talisman given to reason, please a rhyme and the size.
How to properly wear the talisman: because the protective function of the mascot usually does not carry, it is better to hide away from prying eyes, worn close to the body, or just have it with me, wrapped in appropriate fabric. However, with each additional charm is to be understood separately - they are often talismans, contain in themselves the elements of the amulet, i.e. protection, than we will detailed explain below. For example, images of crosses, solar symbol, the pentagram as a part of or the basis of the talisman will protect him from the negative attention of others. Stone-mascot is also possible to carry on the memory, because natural minerals have a natural protection. The same goes for rings-mascot - ring in the base has a hoop, ring-amulet, a symbol of the wheel of life. And the mascot on the pin better pin on the inside of the outside clothes, to not be seen.
The Amulet (from the Latin amulētum) - magical object, which should cut down or distract from the carrier the influence of adverse factors and forces. The Amulet can defend in the way, protected from damage and the evil eye. It can also bring happiness. But the difference is in the fact that the talisman acts as a magnet for luck, a drawing, rather of the amulet prevents something, what breaks your plans. So the result may be the same, but on the slim mechanics, if it's about the process will be different.
How to properly wear the amulet: so how it performs a protective function, too does not matter, whether it will be visible for the people around you. You can wear it discreetly (for example, christian lingerie cross in his name already you have a tip, where the place is, in fact, an amulet - on the body). You can wear it and flaunt it, over the clothes. It can be a ring, earrings, suspension - like, often wears a red thread on his hand as a bracelet. In fact, a red thread can also be an amulet.
The word amulet comes from the Russian verb to guard, and his designation similar with the indication of the amulet. It protects from evil eye, negativity and evil. However, the amulet can be not only a personal subject, wearable on the body or on each other. The Amulet can be used for protection of home, car or other property, and shall be accordingly on the doorstep, in the kitchen in the house, or hang under the mirror in the car (doll, magic bag, etc.). Also the function of the amuleta can perform a separate subject, and, for example, embroidery on clothing - remember the clothes worn by the old slavs, where each element had its meaning and purpose.
How to properly wear the amulet: in essence, amulets of the, what has personal character, and not at home, worn out, in a prominent place. In the traditional culture of the amulet was an integral part of the clothing and image – embroidery, decoration, all pieces of clothing (e.g., belt). Amulets worn in the vicinity of important and vulnerable places on the body - as seen in the national consciousness. Such places were the area around the face (hats, earrings), chest (necklaces, curtains), in the region of the belt and under belts (belts, buckles), wrist (bracelets or embroidered sleeves). Also amulets worn in the back, on the back - against the evil eye and words, abandoned in the back. Today such a feature of protection of the back can be carried out, for example, badges and keyrings in my bag.
All kinds of these magic items can be as artifacts, i.e. objects created by man (and not even necessarily from the beginning with a magical purpose – for example a horseshoe), and objects of natural origin. The latter include for example natural crystals and druses of stones, parts of animals (e.g., canines or feathers), herbs and twigs, plants and other gifts of nature.
How long can you wear the amulets and talismans?
Amulets and amulets it is possible to wearing it constantly, up until that time, until they are going to work completely. These items, performs a protective function, they take the negative from the outside world, and to hold it in, so it needs to be cleaned - the way we will explain below.
However, there comes a time, when the source of the amulet is fully drawn, and it breaks down. Red thread is crumbling, the charms fall off the needles, earrings - the second part, from the ring out a stone or cracks appear. This means that it can no longer be used. However, this does not apply to jewelry made of precious metals - only jewellery. Jewelry made of silver, you can safely repair, clean up, and it will work again.

Talismans worn to perform tasks that are created. After their you can burn it, if it allows the material, and either clean and with gratitude to get to a secret place until once again you won't need. The adoption of the decision to stop be in possession of the talisman, decide how you will deal with him. Focus should be primarily on your own feelings – tune in to idol and listen to your inner peace. What does he want? Wait for his clock in a frame in your magic box? Rest on the bottom of the river? Burn? Please answer and do what you need.
I can wear multiple amulets at once?
There is no reason why it would not be possible to wear several amulets. Slavic symbols nice together with the scandinavian and rune talismans can be worn with virtually anything.
If you have, is the question of whether you can wear a two of amulet at a time, take both (it is desirable that they were already activated), put in front of you. It would be good to light a candle, for example, white or purple, to sharpen their perception. Focus your attention on the lying in front of you subjects. How will they communicate? Is not intercepted, whether you are a tension between them? You know, how they can get out of magnets in the same polarity? Not with you this feeling of resistance between these artifacts?
If not, if you believe that they are not in conflict among themselves, and boldly wear them together.
If you want to wear a few stones-mascots at the same time, it is necessary to start from the properties of the stones. For example, it is not appropriate to wear at the same time the stones associated with the elements of Water and Air, Fire and Earth, Water and Fire. But the rocks, Air and Fire, Water and Earth perfectly match and enhance each other. Sometimes, however, the magical decoration of any breach of this rule, that there is no need to worry. In addition, what is most important, what you need to navigate your inner feeling. If you feel that it is this combination of stones - what you need, it means that it is so.
I can wear this amulet together with a cross?

Our ancestors - grandmother, great-grandmother, all of our great-great-great calmly wearing traditional amulets and amulets with a cross. Finally, a cross - it is a kind of amulet to protect from evil forces and an employee of a symbol of belonging to the Christian egregor.
Today the church negatively refers to the different types of magical items, condemn it as superstition. We, from its part, does not see obstacles to wearing all kinds of amulets and talismans, along with a cross. In addition, there are a number of christian amulets from the holy places and it is often wear churched people, for example, the nodular beads, or the red thread of Jerusalem.
In short, the solution is to wear this or that amulet, or talisman at the same time with the attributes of religion is a personal matter of each christian, a muslim or a buddhist.
What amulets to wear a red thread?
The red thread is the oldest amuletom. Wear it, as usual, on the wrist of the left hand. The most famous kind of this thread - the red thread of Jerusalem.
Also on the red yarn can be worn other small charms, beads, pendants, performing the role of amulets. For example, a bracelet wishes – red lace with beads, which, if torn, is indicative of the early implementation of the desired. The red thread performs the function of the amuleta and enhances the effect of amulets, which is her wear.
On what hand to wear amulets
It is assumed that the left hand is perception, and right - conductive, which gives. In fact, this applies not only to hands, but, say, on the sides of the body. This means that the amulets, which help to protect from evil and negativity, hold well on the left side, for example, on the left hand. Or to the left of the chest, if it's a brooch.
Mascots the same as for a marriage, or pentagram, solomon (wealth), or talismans to attract love, happiness, happiness you can have on the right side.
All amulets and talismans can be worn on the neck, on the chest, in the middle of the body. Here is more regularity, than the location. For example, a pouch-mascot, wearable on the chest close to the skin, or rather, will your case than one who lies at home and worn from case to case.
Especially note the talismans, associated with the continuation of the species. Amulets for pregnant or talismans, wearable women for conception, it is appropriate to wear in the abdominal area and hips.
I can wear purchased by foreigners amulets
The question of whether you can wear a talisman or amulet, originally bought not by you, requires an individual approach. Sure, it's a piece of personal, almost intimate. Relationships with these magical things add up for a long time, sometimes years, and change the hosts amulets and talismans doesn't like. So it is believed that the magical object of this type must obtain for themselves, and give again it cannot be. But to this rule there are exceptions.
For example, if it comes to decorating, which is transmitted in the family from generation to generation - it's a beautiful amulet, a happy owner, who can only envy. Even a simple vintage brooch with a black cat, a favorite of your grandmother in his youth, could become the strongest amuletom.
Also amulets and talismans purchased you a gift and presented with sincere and warm wishes of happiness, they will have great power - maybe even more than I bought them for myself.
How to clean amulets, talismans and amulets
When wearing these magical things take on themselves the negative, the evil, the opinions of others and unkind wishes, but also distracts the adverse twists of fate. So from time to time it is necessary to clean it from the accumulated and carry out their new powers.
Cleanse the amulets with the help of the elements:
- Fire - stick over a candle flame, visualisation, as all the alluvial burns in her.
- Water - hold it under running water under the crane (if there is no access to a stream or river).
- Countries - burying salts or countries, and left so for a few days.
- The air - in the smoke decontamination of incense.
Select way as in accordance with your desires and what is most important - with the material from which it is made so as not to spoil. The safest for the physical embodiment of the amulet way - to cleansing water.

In principle, in order to effectively clean the mascot with the help of water, just intention and visualization, but you can also use magic or a conspiracy. Do it yourself, or use ready.
Let your amulets, amulets and talismans to serve you faithfully and true, protects you and brings you joy, luck and happiness!