A long time people believed in magic, calling on the help of higher powers and magical talismans. No matter what are created as вещички and what they look like, and what is most important — how to effectively operate in favor of the host.

You can buy the finished talisman, or you can do it yourself with your own hands. Personal, home amulets, usually work better, more efficiently and more accurately, because when you create the settings asked directly to the host, well понимающий what he wants from magical things.
Why home amulets better purchase?
To make an amulet for lucky and money is pretty simple. You can choose many different options depending on the available materials, preferences of the owner and his options.
Home-made talismans usually stronger purchase, because they are carried out in a certain goal and with a clear intention, moreover, are initially close to the owner.
General rules for working with amulets
To some magic thing to work properly, it is necessary to believe in him and treat her with respect. Including and expresses the dismissive even of amulets as such, nor about the extent of exposure: happiness, money, or the activities that would bring.
Talismans, with rare exception, wear always with you. Never do not give in to the wrong hands, they won't tell a stranger what it is. It is advisable to weigh, amulets from a different perspective. The result of the exposure will not be divulged, yes, and about the exact amount of income of the better off outside the family who knows again.
Mascots cannot be a dare. You can do оберег for the middle, but then you play something they are doing right for a particular person. Another option — to pass the heritage of the child or the pupil, but this variant means that the передающему amulet more you won't need it, because he moved away from the work.
If the talisman works, it is necessary to thank you for your help. In any profit and in noticeable happiness. If the amulet lives in my purse, it is desirable that the bag never ended up empty, except, perhaps, just a few minutes, needed for keeping it clean.
Is not necessarily limited to a single talisman. You can do several different, and put them in a beautiful container, to each other, beautified by the different. You can combine the amulets to various events, attracting wealth into the house and in the hands of a particular person.
Rules of purchase of components

To his own hands, is a powerful talisman, it is necessary to first prepare the materials. It is possible to buy or find. It is advisable to follow the normal magical rules:
- Can anyone tell what buys the thing, it is not worth even mention about it.
- Buy you must, without bargaining, and to pay without saving, preferably in cash.
- If you must buy at once a lot (the whole of a ball, a set of candles, a big piece of cloth), the rest cannot be used for household needs.
- And in search, and when buying it is advisable to go for components for the mascot quietly, not meeting with the people view, and did not pay attention, so it is necessary to even come back.
- What was purchased, and is not found, it is desirable to clean. Depending on the material, it is possible to make use of running water, the fire (bring over a burning candle), incense smoke, salt (sprinkle and exterriti).
- According to the options it is advisable to deal with buying the components for the magical well-being and happiness in this day, when the happiness is evident and the money are there.
- You can take the components for a talisman, a gift from a rich and удачливого man.
Unfortunately, the christian church in general does not approve of magic, assuming his sinful affair.Believer person do not rely to create an amulet with his hands, and get a picture of the holy spirit, submittens the relevant activities, and to approach him with requests for help.
Magical amulets, attracts good luck and wealth, is sufficiently varied. Everyone can pick up the option, according to taste.
Before the mascot, it is necessary to determine with his tasks. You should attract wealth into the house, or to provide good earnings only to its owner. The landlord is necessary to define what is considered wealth. All of this will need впечатать in оберег in his creation.
Magic wax
For the creation of such a mascot need a wax candle, a piece of fabric and do not have too much time.
Candle it is necessary to buy exactly the cera, no paraffin and no gel. If there is a possibility — is the celebrant and not освященную. The size should be such that it was possible without any problems to wait until completely burnt.

Fabric it is advisable to take a dense and such that liked the owner. The mass may be uniform, red, yellow-gold or green color or with a pattern, ассоциирующимся with a little luck and wealth. It's either a piece of new cloth, and either a fragment of the favorite amet clothes.
Best ritual charging of the magic wax to perform in the night of the growing moon. It is advisable to see to it that in the process no one could побеспокоить magician, turn off the phone and alerts on the computer.
At exactly midnight the candle lights up and perpetuated on such a surface, which will then be easy to take off cera отливку. Normal ceramic dish is well suited, and here came the candlestick creates complexity.
In the flame of a candle нашептывают wish that the mascot should attract and repel, what luck need of the owner, and what he fears, what kind of wealth he needs. Continues the ritual until the candle will not ardet ex. If anything, you can just watch the fire and dream.
When remaining from the candles the wax has cooled, she carefully peeled off and wrapped in cloth, you can tie or fasten a few stitches. The resulting mascot carries in his wallet or in the consui for a suitable soft toy.
Magic coins
For this purpose it is possible to take some coin, but more efficiently it will operate a special - the north atlantic treaty or acquired in the particular the right time, unusual, with year of release, corresponding with the year of birth of the holder, or just old.
This coin is the need to constantly wear on yourself, in your purse, or as a stand alone mascot. If instead of saving coins, selected a wallet, it's good to take care of it, to spend it on a mistake.
It is supplied with power coin on the full moon. Need to put it into a bowl or cup with water and put on the window so that the illuminated rays falling on the water, gives the energy of the month mascot. As the moon attracts the water during high tide, so even a coin will attract money.
Interesting variant — самодельная coins. You can remove it from the wood, the glare from fabrilis clay, to be molded from a suitable alloy or even draw it on a piece of the puzzle from the cardboard. The energy charge as talismans, in accordance with the properties of the material. So, in the clay, you can add a little honey and cinnamon, wood impregnation with wax and cardboard glue sequins. Objective — clearly indicate that this is just about wealth.
Косичка of the thread
For this spell you need three themes: red as a symbol of the forces of desire, blue as a guarantee of its execution, and green as indications of wealth and prosperity.

On the growing moon of the strands is the need to knit косичку, focusing on the specific needs. It can be lucky in a particular fact, or to obtain a sufficient amount for the purchase of specific things. It is important that the desire was specific, so that it was possible to clearly say that it is already turned. Well represent the emotionally saturated images of his performance, verbalize it out loud.
When косичка is ready, it is tied around the ankle of the left foot, and wear without removing, until the desire is fulfilled. Then the mascot shrink and burn with gratitude.
Cash pouch
Сшивают bag of fabric of the correct color. It can be universal, white, gold, red or green - one that will have to the landlord on the soul.
Collect a handful of coins - the more, the better. It is advisable to be at least a few pieces of different dignity. The coin wash, you can clean them in any way.
Money laid out on a flat surface, перебирают, rejoice with them. Then, on the one folded in the pouch, reading the plot: "a Penny to a penny, denarium to in denarium, полтинник to and quinquaginta kopeck piece, the ruble, the ruble, червонец to a piece of aurum, all to court ". When it's all folded — pouch attached and stored in the house, in a place where strangers can't see it.
Sometimes in such a pouch added the other ingredients. Magnet for money притягивало. Cinnamon with the same goal. Some special items symbolizing wealth and fortune.
It is important to note that because such a mascot homeward bound, but not to a specific owner, and it will work exactly on the well-being, happiness and wealth living in the house as a whole family. If the same family as such, no, but there are strangers living under one roof — that operate such assistant will not.
Irredeemable banknotes
Must be some magical way how to get банкноту what the largest denomination. It can be part of the first earnings at the new location or in a new profession, a gift from удачливого person, a teacher or an older relative, winning the lottery. Another way — to grow themselves such that we have: every day for a period of one lunar month to delay the increasing amount (now even on the ruble, but more than yesterday), on the new moon to replace the accumulated into one big bill, and the rest is immediately spend on something, what is pleasant, gratum. Such банкноту be kept in a special department of the wallet and do not consumption.
Cash ball
A suitable coin or банкноту обматывают wool green yarn, until a tangle. In the process of winding the dreams of wealth, abundance and happiness, which the ball must attract in the house the owner. Are placed such a mascot above the entrance door from the inner side, but so that from the outside it is not visible. If you want to, you can do this amulet not only for domestic but also for the office — then the whole company will prosper. Regularly a ball to be подзаряжать. For him капают essential oil, whose aroma from the owner is associated with money, wealth and thing executive service, and represent that wealth flowing river.
Money tree
On the urn to the ground buried coins and plant the plant. It can be a "money tree", a cactus, a geranium - anything that grows well in home conditions. Think about planting money, that will now rise. About race you need to take care, to water, to fertilize. Every time she remembered, that these actions — a contribution to future harvest, prosperity and wealth. From the outside you can see the money tree, which is forbidden in the case of other талисманами. And here to tell about it, that it is not just a domestic plant, it is not worth it.
A horseshoe above the door
Above the door from the inside of the прикрепляют horseshoe рожками up. When it say that it's a full bowl, and the house is now also going to be a full bowl. To perform this ritual it is necessary on the growing moon, and is a safe home. In the ideal case — on a day like this, when the obtain money for them to purchase the great food, the ventricles are full and the living in the home happy. The house really should be a full bowl.
Sometimes found the little thing works better than carefully-made amulet. The main thing — it should be something that immediately caught sight dicitur to each other. Such res keeps in her purse, or worn as jewelry, but if the dimensions do not allow you to do — post on the workplace or in a secluded corner of the house. They are good as such, rhinestones and shells, selected around the water. Sometimes you can find quattuor листик clover, then you need to засушить and paste in the decoration. A piece of березовой cortex is able to protect from thieves and debtors, to prevent the withholding of wages. Some people like chinese фэншуй coins. Such a little thing can happen and the toy-assistant. Often in such as use the figurines leprechaun, or favorite small soft toys.