Everyone wants to be happy and rich, to from no matter. Wealth opens many doors, gives confidence. For it all means are good, is not forbidden by law and morals. The main thing is to get wealth – perseverance and diligence, but occasionally something prevents missing happiness. For his involvement in all times and in all cultures there were special signs, rituals, talismans. The biggest strength they have amulets, made with his own hands. Talk about: how to properly handle finances, to they were leaving and how to do the right amulets for the money.
The concept of the amulet
We stick to the modern interpretations of the values, because in the course of time have changed. The Amulet, according to the dictionary, — a piece, носимый on the body, which has magical properties against diseases, misfortune, but also attracts good luck. Synonym – mascot. True, the values do not match. Amulet – a specially made thing, and a talisman can be any object that has for owners of special significance. To not be confused, we will use in one meaning.
Amulets on the money and the rules of use

Their countless and the list will depend on the religion and culture of other countries. In Ireland – clover clover, in China – toad, in the slavic culture – a spoon, a sign, flower of a fern and other. Now a few стерлись the boundaries of countries and cultures, so it is not shameful to use native mascots. The question arises: how mascot choose? You can find tips on how to do it with his own hands amulet, offers to buy already ready оберег, use the symbols according to the sign of the zodiac. Clear advice, no one can. Contact the magician – it will advise you of the mascot who knows how to do it and check yourself, old wise people, too, will be based from their experience, but that doesn't mean that the amulet will suit you. In fact, the selection of magic stick to the rules:
- You must choose a mascot, the same religion, which is so close, that there are contradictions;
- Listen to intuition. You must turn off the common sense, the mind and listen to the inner voice. Stay with myself, holding in my head the idea of happiness. The image creates itself;
- With intuition only have to look at the amulet on the internet, in the store and stop the choice on понравившемся. It is one of the main rules – the mascot should be to the soul. His feel, touch, caress and admire. Found a type – this means that it will work. Monetary symbolism is need to stick to. Maybe it will be understandable not only to you, but a question of money and happiness a person must have in head at the time of selection;
- There is a view that the strongest оберег – made with your own hands. Part of the truth is, but do not forget that every thing happens for good-will, with bright thoughts. You don't want to, or you don't – don't force yourself;
- Receive the gift of the amulets you can with complete confidence in the good intentions of man. Which mascot почистите salt. Not to be taken as a gift an empty dishwasher, an empty wallet, an empty piggy bank. These items originally programmed on poverty;
- In raising money can help the red color. You can use a thread object, garment, accessory, decoration. Can't decide with амулетом – buy red purse;
- Effective talisman can become a decoration. Choose jewelry and not costume jewelry. Use the cash characters.
When you have chosen the amulet, then you need to decide, to determine his place. Depends on the kind of the mascot. The jewelry carry with them, from time to time to clean. Small figurines, statuettes, carry in a handbag or on the department of the handbags. Large figures place in the house. The location you select for yourself. In the right place mascot does not cut the eye and it looks like organically, so to move the thing. Amulets feng-шую располагайте according to the philosophy – in the area of money.
On the issue of financial well-being is not the last role is played by the attitude to finance. No amulet will not help you, if you do not follow the rules of a respectful relationship with money:
- Not мните money, not раскладывайте is where have. Place for the money – wallet. Piggy bank, a box will suit you if you are there is get, and not just to give, because there isn't one. Carry a purse relies in the bag and not spread it on the table;
- Use a large red or gold bag;
- The money is deposited in an extended form, in full length, not folded in half, fourfold;
- Remove from wallet all the unnecessary: notes, cheques, tickets. As for the photos, many of them then wear it, but not doing so. In your handbag only stored your bank card. Discounts, business cards, the omission must be cut and moved into a special briefcase,
- If the wallet порвался – выкидывайте;
- Money love the account. Regularly the money;
- Paper bills and coins not. It is necessary to clean up and in my purse, and in a piggy bank;
- Money attract money. Don't waste all the to scratch, although it is expected that income. Always keep a big bill that you cannot change, but better two, to be fruitful.
The order of things and life – is the key to success and peace.
Runes as a mascot
Each rune, once a part of the literature, now has a special meaning and magic of the event. For attracting money, pays the following symptoms:
- Fehu. The main page rune on the issue of financial well-being. In addition, it bestows the power of a person to implement all the intentions and to achieve all of their goals.
- Hyeres. A Symbol of the rewards for the work. Stubborn work will bring wealth.
- For. Means property. It helps to get support from influential people who no one interferes with your life.
- Dagaz. Means prosperity, prospects, options. If there is a fundamental thing, that the increase, then use it. It gives a positive result.
Use the runes you alone and in any combination, depending on the sense оберега. It can be purchased already finished, you can cause yourself, but remember that registered on the plastics won't work. Use of natural materials. If it is up, apply yourself, then use a natural color, best охру. The metal runes выбиваются. Such a talisman, it is always necessary to have on the host, in order to attract luck and wealth.
Figurines of animals and insects

Recall the most common, which are used as talismans to attract money:
- Trokhpalaya toad. The mascot came from Feng shui and, therefore, pay you must follow the rules. Toad has to hold in the mouth a coin, he must выниматься. For larger events, the toad must be in the vicinity of the water source: fountain, aquarium, fits image with the image of water or протирайте toad every day with a damp cloth;
- The elephants (with the muzzle up). Good as a pendant, but also the statuette in the form of an elephant you are looking for suitable;
- Turtle. Even one chinese character. Rules for use with both жабой;
- Bumblebee. With him is associated the ceremony. The first bumblebee it is necessary to catch and alive plant in your wallet. The corpse of the insect fired not. Habit is brutal and requires a certain skill. To replace a live насекомому – piece. It occurs glass, jewelry, made with his own hands from the thread. It doesn't matter, it is necessary to be always found in your wallet.
The largest effects have amulets of precious metals or simply gold shade.
Nerazmennyye bills
It is not necessarily the bill. The coins too will suit. The question is only in номинале. The higher the dignity of banknotes, the better. If you want to, you can use foreign money, or anniversary. For greater efficiency to keep them in a separate pocket of the wallet and don't tell anyone. If you donated a purse with money, then leave the content as Nerazmennogo.
Precious stones
A variation of the previous amulet. Carry with you a talisman. Not to fit into purses — sewing for a stone to pick up and store in the bag. It is necessary that the stone was expensive or semi-expensive. Do not buy ограненные stones, of them charged energy. A perfect choice – to find a nugget for yourself. Some claim that the most effective – emerald. Probably because of the green color, but for myself, it is necessary to choose the one you like and теплеет in the hands.
Amulet for getting money with my own hands
Such a mascot remembers his owner, takes part of the energy. The Amulet starts to work faster and securely helping in the issue of luck in financial matters. Here are just a few popular species. You, however, you can choose what you want.
The imperial coins
In fact, – coin with the plot. The history dates back to the first Russian tsar Peter Alexeyevich Романову. A monk of the Trinity-Сергиевой Laurels speak for him царскую coin, after spending the night in prayer. Since then the emperor has made many things in which he сопутствовала luck. Such an amulet began to hanker after every, it is not only ordinary people but also the rulers who in those days considered this in the Trinity-Сергиеву Лавру. To make such an amulet will be able to every man according to the rules:
- Choose an appropriate coin. You can come across on tips to pick up her on the road, but it's not worth it. Money is in many ceremonies, which ends выбрасыванием money. Where is the guarantee that you have chosen is not the one with a stranger negative. Not in vain about the found money, she says: "More to lose than to find". We recommend that you take the commemorative coins, old, ювелирную, even if the will suit any.
- Wait a minute midnight on a full moon.
- Place the coins on a piece of red cloth.
- Обвяжите thread green color.
- Read the plot on wealth and financial gain. The single text no. As in any other conspiracy or prayer – the words must come from the heart. Tell us about the problems of desire, which, dreams, and prospects.
- Hide before the eyes of the amulet in a secluded place.
Subsidize the amulet of power will help to faith in him.
Magic cable
This amulet is designed to attract money and luck. This is done so:
- Take natural strips green, red, yellow or blue color that symbolizes respectively, wealth, love, health, realization of goals. Use them individually or together depending on the desired area.
- Сплетите of them браслетик. Can be in the form of a braid, and it is possible that something more beautiful. In the proper craft, you can do the brand, depicting the symbols. Work best in a full moon.
- At the time of knitting the visualization of desires. Remember, the clearer the image, the faster the dream come true. Try as much as possible of the details, your feelings, actions and reactions of loved ones.
- Put on щиколотку left foot and wait for the luck that helps you to realize the dreams.
Cash cable is good not only with the magical point of view, but also psychological. Knitting helps to focus on the object of desire, distributed way to achieve the goal into steps, calm down.
A small bag with herbs
Apply long ago as the mascot. In addition to the other cash pouch can calm down the scent of herbs and a pleasant tactile touch. In addition to herbs, there are stored a variety of things depending on the tasks. The rules on the creation of money talisman, are the following:
- Use the color of material: yellow, green, gold, silver.
- Visualization of the target. Imagine that you have a sudden wealth, imagine the emotions, the atmosphere to the smallest detail.
- Fill everything that is synonymous with wealth: magnet, money, beads, stones. On цыганским belief wealth сулят the feathers of birds. From the plants, use mint, sage, ginger, maple, acorns, oak leaves and bark, jasmine, rosemary.
- Завяжите горловину red thread, сплетенной in косичку and hide them in the secret place.
It's not worth it to tell anyone about him and the show.
Cash ball

It's not a personal amulet and the home. It aims to bring happiness to all the people who live in the apartment. The rules for the production are the following:
- Use green thread and coins.
- Coin wrap the threads how коконом.
- Secure the ends.
- Hang the amulet above the entrance door.
In general, it's about the amulet or the ceremony, its effectiveness depends on man's belief. Maybe that magic in all no, but the owner, as sacred and believes in her, will feel safer during the difficulties not to lower hands, and not fall to the bottom. Programming yourself for happiness – an effective psychological technique and things in the play a decisive role, as well as rituals.