Create a mascot it is possible both for themselves and for another person. This course cannot be transferred to non-participating people. The Amulet brings the luck to his owner. If lost, stolen, donated or broken, then the actions of his forces stopped.
Before doing the production, it is necessary to understand, what is the difference of these magic items:
- amulet performs two functions: it protects the host against loss and brings him good luck;
- оберег performs a protective function for the health of a person and his dwelling;
- mascot is able to amplify certain character traits, which allows its owner to achieve success in the affairs, bringing happiness and peace.
If you are planning to do with the production of an amulet or оберега, then meet with the general rules and recommendations:
- Talismans and amulets can produce both for themselves personally and for the other person. Forcing someone to for you оберег unacceptable. Accepted for the work one must just of their own accord.
- If the mascot is carried out for the other, then in the course of the work is to be constantly thinking about this person. Ideas should be bright and positive. Just invested from the soul, a magical object, you can make an amulet that will really work and will bring the owner good.
- For production it is best to choose a time when the moon is in the growth phase. This period is suitable for all beginnings.
- You need to work in a quiet environment. It should be relaxed, no one and nothing should distract you attention.
- If you are doing a mascot for yourself, then after completion of work, wrap them in fabric, and at night put under your pillow. Through this connection between the subconscious and амулетом will be organized.
- About it, that they made for themselves a talisman, best anyone tell. Wear it always with you and hide from prying eyes.
Compliance with these simple rules, you will be able to create an effective and workable amulet.
The wide popularity of mascots that correspond to the current year. For example, in the year of the Dog rather tinkering from a variety of materials figurines of dogs, and in the year of the Rooster — taps.

The materials that are used to create magic
Magic items brings good luck and happiness, which protects from the evil influence, are made of different materials:
- stone;
- wood;
- metal;
- of the skin;
- tissue;
- yarn;
- fur and so on
Symbol, you can draw it on paper or thick картоне, and if it is desirable — to embroider.
When choosing the material задействуйте imagination. It is important to be pleasant to the touch and you liked it, that causes only positive emotions.
A strong protective оберег of the thread
Today for many is seen on the left wrist a red thread, the accounts of protection against the evil eye. Step should be of natural material (often used шерстяную).
The first, who from celebrities has become wearing a thread of red color on the wrist of the left hand, it was Madonna. It happened after увлеклась the esoteric teachings of the Kabbalah. According to the faith, повязать оберег on hand can only close a person who wants to do good and понимающий the essence of the ritual.
For the slavs with the red thread has been linked a little bit different ritual. Her крепили on the wrist of the right hand. Can do it yourself, the main thing — to establish the ниточке seven knots. Such оберег attracted to the life of its owner money and happiness.
If the protective fiber порвалась, not worth the fuss. According to legend, you could become a great misfortune, but "the defender" took it from you.
For the creation of a mascot can be used not only red thread, but also threads of other colors. Of them it is possible to personally weave a bracelet. It is important to properly choose the shade. When choosing a plays the role of the goals that you are pursuing:
- red protects against the evil eye, gives the wearer energy and vitality;
- white protects against conflicts, evil thoughts, helps to build harmonious relationships;
- blue is responsible for the inspiration, it helps to develop thinking outside the box and hidden talents, so it's ideal creative personality;
- yellow — the color of the sun, helps to achieve happiness, improve health, expand knowledge;
- orange man is charming, sociable and confident in your power, helps to achieve great heights;
- pink — color of romance and tender love; to use it, you will build a relationship in which there will be no jealousy and destructive passion;
- purple inspires and develops creative abilities;
- green protects against envy and conflict situations, improving health;
- blue will come in handy to those who want to find themselves and to develop spiritual skills;
- brown helps to develop perseverance and achieve the set objectives, is a symbol of diligence;
- black develops the equanimity and peace of mind, help you gain respect in the neighborhood.
Yarn for weaving choose only natural. If the step of cheesecloth, fold it several times. If used only one color, the easiest way to produce оберега will be tied to the strings of seven knots. If used more shades, you can knit косичку or some kind of magic ornament.
Порванный mascot of the thread must burn. Until it will burn, mentally поблагодарите him for their protection and assistance.
The mascot of the burlap
The magic will play something that will protect you and your loved ones from the forces of evil or heartless people can be made from burlap. Popular views оберега of this material has become a doll "Domovonok". The size of the craft is designed on request.

Instructions for making
- For starters изготовьте alone pouch. All seams should be good. Выверните it on the front page.
- Now need to do the hands. For this you can take the cord or ribbons, woven braids. In the place where must be the pen, carefully into the hole and thread the resulting косичку through them. Now the hands need to align and lock.
- Fill the bag can be different herbs or other sealant. When bag packed, завяжите him tighter.
- You can start the production of hair. Their do of herbal brushes or ropes. Fasten the hair at the crown is possible using the thermo-gun.
- Make sure to do domovonku discharge and the lips and also the eyebrows and beard. Eyes for dolls can be purchased at the store or make with your own hands.
- From the dried leaves of the corn turn out to equip up to domovoy лапти.
Don't forget to sew domovoy clothes and cap, and for modesty — a few bags.
Magical artifacts from the dough with salt
The ancient slavs made talismans from salt dough. To produce such a craft, there is work even for beginners:
- It is necessary to take the flour and salt in a ratio of 2:1. Add a little water knead the elastic dough.
- Leave the dough a little stand. It is then possible to вылепить from him the amulet. Popular are figurines of animals, horseshoe or ангелочки.
- When оберег will be ready, place it on 3 hours in the oven pre-heated to 70 degrees.
- Remove the craft, let cool a few hours and раскрасьте gouache.
Amulets made of wood
Amulets made of wood are part of the culture of the ancient slavs. For the creation of magical items it is possible to use trees of various breeds:
- birch is known for its medicinal properties, which previously did лапти from its bark to believe that they will help you get rid of rheumatism; in the creation of use not only wood but also leaves, buds, the root;
- oak varies powerful energy, talismans, made from it, подкладывали to cradle a newborn boy, it was believed that it will help them grow back to full strength and health;
- alder helps to strengthen the power of the spirit, how to get rid of negative thoughts, learn to take the right decisions; a married couple оберег of alder protects against измен;
- hazel symbolizes fertility and supports умножению capital;
- rowan protects from the evil forces that previously her высаживали in the vicinity of the dwelling, and twigs with berries вешали in the house.
For talisman, it is necessary to choose healthy wood.
Instructions for making an amulet:
- Mentally ask the tree permission to take a sprig. So, let him coin, bread or some cereals.
- Brings a branch home, leave it for a few weeks to get used to your dwelling and absorbed his power.
- Отпилите from the twigs of the circle, on the one hand, that is a knife or скальпелем cut out the desired character.
- Make a hole, through which it will be possible to продеть drawstring or a fixed thread.
- How to protect a wooden talisman from the dust and dirt on its surface, apply разогретый bee wax or coat it with varnish.
Optionally affix the symbols on the talismans out of wood. They work and without carved on them signs.
Magical amulets from beresty
From березовой bark in ancient times did оберег sharkunok for children, according to its shape reminiscent of the rumble. When тряске he published sounds, than attracted the attention of toddlers and conjured up неописуемую joy. Also they put her children in the period of teething. In the manufacture of sharkunok didn't use glue.
To create оберега optional to peel off the bark from a living tree, it is possible to use berestoy with burning wood.

Instructions for making:
- The material should be heat, which will give him flexibility.
- The bark is cut into strips, which on both sides of the treated vegetable oil to beresta become pliable.
- You must make six equal sized strips.
- At the top and bottom sides of the strips загибаются somewhere to 1 cm, then it turns out the mansion.
- All six parts are going to put together.
- That toy is not broken up, sharkunok need проварить in boiling water for 5 minutes. Before that linked to his thread, which is to be done after it has cooled down.
- During the day, when the toy-оберег просохнет, it is necessary to отогнуть one of its edges and насыпать inside the grains.
To create оберега you need to borrow berestu medium thickness. Too thin or thick crust is not appropriate.
Talismans made of fur
Long, skin, fur, bones, teeth and claws of animals used for the creation of amulets. If a home remained a piece of fur, then you can make it beautiful оберег "Domovonok":
- Cut a small circle with a diameter of 8-10 see the Edges of the treat.
- Inside put a small piece of foam and зашейте.
- In specialty stores you buy ogling you and glue.
- As the spout use бусинку.
- On request it is possible to make the tongue.
- From the same fur we're doing the presser foot. We do strips 1,5х4 see We take a string, inside each bead placed on one of its sides and скрепляем glue "Moment".
- Up on a shoestring we do петельку, for which the mascot will be possible to hang.
- We do feet and lace with изнаночной side to Domovonok.
The mascot of the fur can be hang not only at home but also in the car.
Amulets made of genuine leather
The skin of different animals very important in the manufacture of amulets. Of it can be done:
- talismans for wearing around the neck;
- bracelets;
- belts;
- shell, etc.
On the leather surface by the method of stamping or pressing transmits the desired character. The edges of the оберега finely processed, and the top makes a hole for the lace. They look like amulets nice and stylish.
Needles of a porcupine in magic
From the needles of the porcupine, too, produces a variety of talismans. It is believed that they help protect from the negative actions of other people, they learn to enjoy life, despite the adversity and problems, but also became much happier.
From the needles of a porcupine can be done as amulets:
- necklaces;
- earrings;
- "dream catcher".
Women are doing from this natural material love amulets, заворачивая the needle into the fabric and hides under the pillow of a loved one.

Оберег out of the ring
Rings not only serve as a decoration for your fingers, of them can be done оберег. It is better to buy a new product, on the inner side of which it is necessary to plant a sign. Phrases for engraving on the ring will decide at its own discretion.
In ancient times children were given two names: one was known around, the other — a secret. Secret name the child was baptized. It helped stave off damage or a curse. Often parents преподносили their children protective rings on the inner side, which was filmed a second name.
Amulets from death, drunkenness, prison, and in the way with his own hands
In life often happen unexpected situation. Therefore, you need to advance to participate in the protection of yourself and your loved ones. Amulets made with his own hands, as it is impossible to better cope with this task.