A chisel, which helps a person in his matters, in love and achieving goals, bears the name of "amulet of luck". These items is usually done for each person individually, because it is an intimate thing. Help to achieve wealth, "catch the tail" of their happiness, to fulfill the cherished desire.

Amulets made with his own hands
Made personally mascots considered to bring good luck and money more and more active, than store bought. You purchase in the store talismans and amulets, one can be sure that it is made by the soulless mechanism. And here is a talisman of good luck and wealth, made with his own hands, it absorbs into itself the warmth of human hands, his energy.
As positive considers the fact that this amulet does not have the foreign program, foreign energy. On the contrary, such an amulet charges the pure energy of its owner. Talismans and amulets can be presented baubles and beads, pendants and boxes, figurines and dolls.
For the production of amulet to attract money and luck is perfectly suited as materials such as paper, metal, wood and stone, embroidered fabric. On pieces of paper or paperboard drawing special characters - Pentagrams, which are attracted to the owner of the talisman of luck, success and wealth. The fabric Pentagrams embroider or wrapped in a red triangle mass note with the inscribed symbol.
Do amulets can be made of many different materials. One of the best is considered to be clay, so how can it absorb in himself the qualities and the sense of symbolism, which the manufacturer puts on the amulet. Solar the same energy of the clay is able to increase in roasting - to come into contact with the element of fire.

Amulet from salt dough
But not always have the opportunity to get a natural clay. Then amulets can be made from polymer clay - it is possible to buy in special stores. And even easier talismans for good luck make from salt dough.
Flour for dough is pumped in a volume of about 2 times more than the salt dough is cool, as for dumplings. Paint must be well dry, paint, you can cover it with varnish. And here is what a particular symbol decides the fashion of the master, it depends on his taste and desire.
Favorite figurines and symbols
The tigers
An extremely powerful talisman for luck and protection from people with bad intentions and intentions, from the injustice and the evil eye, is a figurine, or a picture of a tiger. Particularly strong tigers, acting in the role of a symbol of good luck and happiness to people born in the year of the Dragon or year of the Tiger. Alone the signs of the Zodiac no longer shows on the strength of this talisman.
Threelegged toad
Talismans with the image of this amazing amphibian, sitting on the coins, it serves to strengthen the wealth, attracts money. Beautiful and the most effective symbol of good luck and fortune will be kind zhabka, holding in the mouth a coin. Frog-feng-shui - one of the most powerful magic to drive the cash fortune.
The pedestal of coins
Itself understood that wrote a bunch of coins - it is a symbol of wealth. Completely regardless of money, old or modern, in what state are on the go and at all, real or just a dummy. And enhance the effect of this amulet is possible, lifted on a pedestal to paint the animal.
Amulets for good luck, amulets from theft and robbery, are considered figurines of rhinos.
Talismans, which carry the money - it's all one way or another, reminds of the coin. And the golden petals of sunflowers once they meet similar requirements.
Who knows, that symbol of good luck - a horseshoe? But the actual figurine of the horse that stretches the money, lying on a trolley or cart, is a symbol of wealth, success, recognition, high status in society.
Golden key
Someone to happiness needs glory, but someone's residence. Talismans, by means of which it is possible to improve the living conditions - it is all that is associated with houses and apartments. The Symbol of the housing - the key. So gold keys, and have a basic amulets for the acquisition of an apartment or home.

Amulets for good luck, often in the form of cats with a raised foot. The chinese just love such figures, assuming that kitty brings happiness and help to achieve success. Mascots in the form of cats with a raised foot it is possible to establish in any place in the apartment, and especially at the entrance, carry them with you or display it on the clothes. And to attract luck in love you use loving pussy, that his own vote.
Talismans, attracting money, often have a kind of turtle with coins on the back. But the strongest sign of good luck and wealth are the figures of a turtle-dragon. After all, they combine the courage and fearlessness of the dragon, increasing the protective properties of the turtle. This symbol of good luck is very useful for entrepreneurs and the nature of the creative. It not only brings money, but changing the very essence of a person by his brave, helps to implement all projects and initiatives, strive for happiness, recognition and success.
Golden garlic
This symbol of the wealth of the very revered in China. The chinese believe that the golden garlic means a continuous flow of money. Have to paint a golden garlic - a very good sign.
Talismans to attract wealth is often appear in the form of a fish-dragon aravan. It is the most popular symbol through which money flows to the owner of the amulet an endless stream.
Wand Jouy
A symbol of all the wealth, happiness and success, is this amulet. Especially noticeable its effects on the people, occupying managerial positions. I wand - it is a symbol of power, the scepter of wish-fulfillment, of high social status.
Four-leaf clover
This plant is widely known as a symbol of love, wealth, happiness and success. And not only found in nature four-leaf has such strength, but also talismans, made in the form of unique twigs. It is believed that even dried grass clover, which is worn in the bag in itself, it is able to detract from the human suffering, bringing happiness, helping all to succeed. Carry leaf clover as a talisman, and luck will always be around.

Both animals
Symbols of good luck and success in love and family life in ancient times were considered the two figurines of animals. Especially looking forward to the success of the swans, wolves, pigeons. Even when a couple of dolphins - a symbol of true love and happiness. It is not surprising that in the Russian families of the last century a young donated "on the bow" of the carpet with the pictures of a few deer or a swan - happiness in family life.
It is very important not to lose amulets and talismans, and keep them either in itself, or in a secluded place, where they are deposited money, jewelry, favorite photos, dear to the heart of things.