author Reka



  • The amulet is a deeply personal thing, and made with your own hands has more powerful power. How to make a talisman can be found in this article.
    8 November 2021
  • What can be considered a talisman and how to charge a magic item? What is the amulet of great luck? Types of talismans for attracting good luck - homemade amulets, lucky finds, natural talismans, amulets according to the sign of the zodiac.
    10 September 2021
  • What do ancient amulets for luck and wealth look like, how do they do it. Feng Shui talismans to attract well-being.
    3 September 2021
  • How to attract to yourself the most money – that is the question, which does not lose its relevance with time. Help in this can only create money mascot with his own hands. Pay attention to the process itself, and you will surely become a powerful artifact
    19 September 2018
  • They say that it is possible with his own hands and without any magical experience to the amulet on money and happiness. What is needed to make the amulet was powerful and effective? It is important to properly perform the ritual and believe in the power of magic.
    13 August 2018
  • Mysterious gizmos and symbols: amulets and talismans for good luck, wealth, happiness and success to you to fulfill desires and achieve their goals
    10 August 2018
  • Amulets for money luck and success rituals for prosperity and attract money
    31 July 2018